Barry had avoided the warehouse for a total of a day. For the better part of the weekend, he had been holed up here watching friends go through some of the more horrible things that he could have ever imagined. There were of course bright moments that happened as well but the overall horror was outshining those moments
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Comments 46
That didn't mean he'd be up for talking about it, though. Or that she felt good about asking him to do so.
She also felt like this was somehow doubting Anders, like she didn't trust him to have chosen the safest and most humane options he could have taken. But she just...just needed to know.
And so it was a much less bouncy Kathy than normal who was quietly tapping on the warehouse door.
He put down the arc welder he was currently using and turned it off. Safety first people.
Though when she brought up why she was there, he might have preferred the harassment. "Can I come in?"
He gave Barry a smirk. "Eleanor didn't drag me, she just... you know, gave me support. I know it sounds weird to say out loud, but I can't walk well with an injured hand. Because she came so hard she broke my hand. I am the man!"
Barry just stood there for a moment in disbelief. He even forgot the insult Joker just laid on him.
"I'm not sure if I should be grossed out or impressed."
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