[ Roleplay Stuffs ]

Sep 14, 2008 19:45

I've seen other people do it this way, and it seems easier than waiting around for the HMD memes, and I'm hoping I can get some honest critique on how I play my characters.  So:

Constructive Criticism / Critique Post

Please comment with the name of the character and the community, just so I may keep track.  All comments are screened.

Big List of Characters:

Rivelata -

Travis Touchdown [ No More Heroes ] travistouchdown 
Fran [ Final Fantasy XII ] viera_copilot 
Muraki Kazutaka [ Yami no Matsuei ] twisteddoctor 
Ivy Valentine [ Soul Calibur II ] snake_sword 
AndrAIa [ ReBoot ] syntheticsprite

St. Edelweiss -

Travis Touchdown [ No More Heroes ] travistouchdown 
Muraki Kazutaka [ Yami no Matsuei ] twisteddoctor 
Doctor Cidolfus Demen Bunansa [ Final Fantasy XII ] doctorcid

Discedo -

Jeane [ No More Heroes ] lolplottwist 
Doctor Cidolfus Demen Bunansa [ Final Fantasy XII ] doctorcidolfus

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