[EXO] [PD2] No Time Like the Present

Jan 06, 2013 19:27

Title: No Time Like the Present
Fandom: EXO (sort of fused with Final Fantasy VII)
Series: Phoenix Down (#2)
Pairing: Lu Han/Kai
Rating: R
Genre: AU, crossover (sort of)
Word count: 6,320
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit
Warnings: Contains unorthodox use of video game status ailments, also past references to prostitution
Summary: Kai tries to learn ( Read more... )

pairing: lu han/jongin, rating: r, media: exo!fic, length: oneshot, series: phoenix down, genre: au, orientation: slash

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Comments 12

fond_of_pin January 6 2013, 21:47:46 UTC
I know even less about Final Fantasy than I know about EXO. So I had to look up a lot of things for "Sweet as Honey". I meant to tell you back then how educational reading fanfics is. :-D

I was glad you posted this sequel and I look forward to many more installments. It's fun to read.


notaverse January 7 2013, 17:40:12 UTC
Wow, I wasn't expecting you to read this, especially since it crosses two things you don't really know about, but thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :-)


metrekone January 6 2013, 22:46:51 UTC
gosh I love this so much I think I'm going to cry haha...finally my ff nerd can be put into good use. ;;

ok so I love how you incorporate elements of real life into this AU, like how Kai loves dancing and how Lu Han plays the rubix cube (when he's not playing football apparently). Also, I've never read any final fantasy fics before, so it's so interesting reading the effects of potions, spells and the sort in a more personal perspective....instead of seeing pretty sparkles on screen and a satisfyingly higher HP gauge. THAT SEX SCENE OHMGAWD??? And the collar ohoho;;.

The characterization and dialogue are great. I love lukai like this....mutual understanding....but Kai still listens and trusts Lu Han even though he is technically 'master' (just like how in real life Jongin has this kind of alpha male complex on him but he still let's Lu Han lead him around like a baby; ___;).

I'm so glad I found this...and I'm looking forward toward your next installment.


notaverse January 7 2013, 17:46:28 UTC
No crying allowed! *hands you tissues* But I do appreciate the sentiment. :-)

My favouite kind of AU to write is one with lots of canon in-jokes, so the Rubik's cube and football were a must, and of course Kai dancing. I don't generally read Final Fantasy fics myself (I've only played VII and VIII) but there are all sorts of things in the games that, while they make perfect sense in a game, seem really weird if you try to use them in any other context. (Which means mostly I look at lists of items and status ailments and wonder to myself what creative things I can do with them.)

Turning the Master/Summon relationship inside out is a large part of why these fics got written, so I'm glad you enjoyed the lukai dynamics here. Thank you so much for commenting!


madelyn93 January 7 2013, 06:52:17 UTC
i played final fantasy once when i was younger, maybe only 10 or 11, and i can't even remember anything but oh god. i loved this.
and i think i will come back with a more coherent comment when i'm not suffering from sleep withdrawal, but in case i forget to come back...
i love how luhan is obviously the master in this relationship, if any, and the mark of possession around jongin's neck ... I KINDA JUST SQUEALED AND SOBBED TO MYSELF QUIETLY FOR A FEW MINUTES THERE
this is basically how i picture lukai to be in real life, luhan subtly leading jongin on, and jongin feeling so confused that he follows luhan's weird little wishes.
i am eagerly awaiting future fics in this verse!


notaverse January 7 2013, 17:53:48 UTC
Most of the game-specific things are easy to look up on-line, if any of the references don't make sense. :-) I have to keep looking things up myself, trying to find items/statuses/spells that might come in useful for the plot.

Lu Han is very keen on turning the Master/Summon relationship upside down in this and teasing Jongin about it. :-) (And boy, do I look forward to writing him finding out who he used to be so I can stop typing 'Kai'.) Not that he needs to worry about anyone else venturing into his territory, as it were, but it never hurts to let them know Jongin's taken (and happy about it).

I'm glad you enjoyed the fic and thank you very much for your comments! <3


mayumi_san January 7 2013, 14:57:55 UTC
That colla is kinky and sense Of ownership hellooooo

Reading this in school because I can't wait and I love this as much as I love the first one except this is somehow also better because LUKAI SEX and it's just hot and my brain has combusted and I can't stop smiling asdfjklasdfjkl

I love you


notaverse January 7 2013, 17:56:49 UTC
Short of Kai getting a tattoo of Lu Han's name (or a deer...) the collar was the most obvious way I could think of for Lu Han to display ownership. ^_^

Aww, thank you! I'm very happy to have been able to make your brain combust. <3 (Well, you know what I mean...)


daisivi January 21 2013, 08:43:00 UTC
This was great! I really hope you'll continue this. I'm very curious to find out about Jongin's past and how it relates to Luhan. I was laughing when I was reading the scene about Luhan's fear of heights preventing him from coming to Kai's rescue sooner. It made me remember Luhan's korean interview where he said he was scared of heights so he ended up holding on to his groupmmates' backpacks while at Disneyland. Loved the rubiks cube and soccer references too. Looks like Luhan's love for those things has transcended even the barrier of an au haha. I really hope I'll be able to catch your next update(s).


notaverse January 21 2013, 18:18:28 UTC
Thank you! The next one in the sequence is currently at 4.5k and growing, so hopefully I should have something posted by the end of the month?

I write a lot of AU, and one of the things I love to do most is to add in as many canon references as I can! I'm still learning about EXO, though - it's a very new fandom for me - so there aren't nearly so many as there are in my JE fic. There will be more to follow when they meet more people, though. :-)

Glad you enjoyed this one too, and thank you for commenting! <3


daisivi January 23 2013, 00:22:39 UTC
i'm glad to hear that the 3rd part is currently in the works. welcome to the exo fandom, but it looks like you're pretty familiar with a lot of it already haha. i hope that more fans will find out about your stories. looking forward to your next update and all future exo fics! :)


notaverse January 23 2013, 20:53:24 UTC
Thanks! I got dragged in kicking and screaming by friends about half a year ago and vowed I'd never write fic for it. Somehow that vow went out the window, oops...


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