[open] ;; night at the oasis

Mar 14, 2010 17:22

Helen had set up the Moroccan flavored, Bedouin-styled tent. The various bits of furniture, tea sets, and incense holders from around the Sanctuary were all moved to the tent. There were some carpets as well. Anything to make it feel more like a proper Moroccan lounge. Yes, that did include having bare feet. And the nice soft background musicIt was ( Read more... )

( verse ) open, who; kate freelander, ( event ) night at the oasis, era; early 21st century, who; nikola tesla

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Comments 97

awaitingalbion March 15 2010, 00:45:41 UTC
Merlin was prone to wandering into places and, truthfully, a richly decorated tent was not such an odd place for the young warlock. Nostalgically, it reminded him of Arthur's war tent. But tea sets and sofas were very different from swords and suits of armour. He loitered near the entrance, dragging his finger across the surface of a table. Impeccably clean. He smiled to himself, rubbing nothing between his thumb and forefinger. He appreciated things not being his responsibility all of the time.

He took a few more loping steps--still wearing his softened leather boots. What was that smell? It was so much more attractive than the stench of Camelot. Merlin stood stock still in the very middle of the tent and breathed in, deep. Oh. It smelled like one of the merchant caravans. Spices and wood and other things far beyond means. Oh, and--

"The music!" He exclaimed, twisting on the spot. "I-I don't see any bards. It's brilliant."


notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 00:55:25 UTC
Helen looked up as Merlin entered the tent. She kept quiet, letting him explore his surroundings. She smiled at his enthusiasm. Of course he wouldn't know what any of the modern devices were, now that she thought about it. That just made the whole night at the oasis theme even more magical.

"A form of magic." Helen said. Much easier to explain a CD player like that. "Do you like it?"


awaitingalbion March 15 2010, 03:04:20 UTC
"I love it." He grinned, tipping his head towards Magnus with a great deal of respect. "Much more complex than the travelling minstrels. I-I think I can here more than three pipes." Merlin approached her seat, bowing sloppily as he was want to do; after all, she ran this place. That made her one of the ruling class.

"You must enjoy this place." He intuited the conclusion, eyeing the drapery walls with admiration. "I can tell that much."


notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 03:14:06 UTC
She smiled. "It goes along with a concept that the Bedouins had called Al-Misaan. It means 'to never forfeit one's principles.' This is just a small reminder of that."

She shook her head at the bowing and gestured for him to take the seat next to the couch. It was a reminder of how the social statuses used to be in her time. The time she grew up in. Helen would respect his mannerisms and what he knew, of course. Pushing the boundaries of one's understanding of the world when they were not ready was hardly fair.

"This song was composed by a group of individuals. More than just three."


my_bffs_a_robot March 15 2010, 00:50:00 UTC
Lacy had heard the hubbub earlier in the day and gradually made her way up to the roof. Being one of the newer additions to the Sanctuary, she was tentative to joining in, in any of the festivities.

Seeing the tent all set up, her eyes widened and her hand lifted to cover her mouth as she muttered a small 'oh frak'. This place just seemed to get more and more weird. Standing in the open 'doorway', she looked inside, noticing how the smoke from the incense curled and twisted, wafting towards the ceiling of the tent.


notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 00:59:10 UTC
The small 'oh frak' caught her attention first. Helen glanced up at Lacy with her eyebrows perked slightly. While she didn't know the word, she could guess at what it's equivalent would be. It just gave more backing to her theory that the English language was slowly degrading.

"You're welcome to come in."


my_bffs_a_robot March 15 2010, 01:02:20 UTC
Lacy shied back, just a fraction, at the eyebrow. She knew that look Dr. Magnus gave that look to Zoe when they'd first arrived. Lacy lifted her hand in a small wave, giving the doctor a shy smile.

"How are you?" She greeted meekly, stepping into the tent.


notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 01:06:43 UTC
"Just fine." Helen said with a smile. "Enjoying a night in the mock up of Morocco. It has been sometime since I've bothered to set up the tent and all of the food."

She sat up straight and offered the plate to Lacy. "Yourself?"


freestyle_one March 15 2010, 04:05:18 UTC
"Hey Doc, Will said something abou....whoa." Kate stopped in her tracks as she peeked inside the tent and was a bit blown away by the interior. Will had said Magnus was camped out on the lawn but she'd just thought their boss was doing some experiments or something.

"...What's with the Arabian Nights theme?"


notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 04:11:15 UTC
"Just a night of relaxation, I suppose." Helen answered with a smile. "Care to join me?"

Well, when Helen Magnus camped out... she really camped out. With class.


freestyle_one March 15 2010, 04:14:12 UTC
Kate shrugged, "Sure, why not", she flopped down on a pile of pillows and sighed. She'd been helping Henry and the Big Guy store supplies all day and those crates got heavy.

"You do this a lot? No offense, but you don't really seem like you do a lot of relaxing."


notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 04:21:26 UTC
"Hardly - on both accounts." She agreed. "I take the time off when it seems appropriate for me to do so." Not to mention that Will most likely would of forced her to eventually.

"I suppose asking if you enjoyed the day is rather daft."


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notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 05:09:30 UTC
Helen looked up to find Nikola. Her expression fell, but to one of playful annoyance. She'd never admit how happy she was whenever she saw Nikola. Seeing him meant she wasn't the last of the Five. Of course the only person she had admitted the worry to was Will.

"Because setting up a Bedouin tent clearly calls for your arrival." She said dryly, but stood. "And what brings you to the Northwest?"


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notanemptymotto March 15 2010, 22:04:09 UTC
"Given the reasons you typically come to see me involve me having to cover your tracks somehow." Helen smiled and walked over to him. "What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"


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