Murderous Intent (1/1)

Jan 27, 2012 12:08

Title: Murderous Intent
Author: tromana
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Lisbon/Red John
Summary: Lisbon and Red John a married couple? Why ever not?
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: Written for sirenofodysseus as a part of the Holiday Fics challenge. I had a ball with this one, honestly. :-)

Murderous Intent

“Put down your weapon.”

Her voice is laced with authority, just as he expects of her. His eyes flicker downwards, to the knife in his hands and then back up to look her in the eyes. He can tell how much this is hurting her in her honest, green eyes from just the one glance. Then again, it was always going to end this way. He knows it, she knows it. It was just a matter of time. And apparently, that time is now. She has to do this; she’s duty-bound to do so. There’s one thing Teresa Lisbon takes deathly seriously and that’s her job.

Then again, she takes her wedding vows equally seriously. Not that anyone she knows outside of this room even realizes she’s married.

Not even the self-confessed know-it-all, Patrick Jane knows that.

However, it’s good to keep a secret or two. It keeps relationships fresh, healthy even.

“Darling, must it always come down to weapons?”

“I said, put it down.”

“I know you did, dear.”

She narrows her eyes, as she always does whenever she’s frustrated with him. Automatically, he smiles slightly, but keeps his knife steadied in his hands. When it comes down to it, they’re both as persistent as one another. This is a battle of wills that could last a while.

Well, it normally does.

And that’s what makes their relationship so exciting.

“Are the others coming?”

“What do you think?” she says, daring, taunting him.

From anybody else, that would be a dangerous game. From her, it’s simply amusing. She’s just playing her part, as he is his. Besides, it’s almost standard protocol, or at least it is for her. From the shadows, he’s watched her go through this situation time and time again. That pride coursed through him each and every time she caught whichever criminal she was dealing with at that specific moment in time.

And as an added benefit, there’s always been something incredibly sexy about a petite, fierce woman taking down the bad guys. There’s a reason he’s chosen her as a soul mate, after all.

Even if he’s always known that one day, it’ll be him staring down the barrel of her loaded gun.  It’s just a shame it had to happen so soon, for real, rather than as just a game in the bedroom. Depending on how this goes, they never even had the chance to reach their fifth wedding anniversary. Never had the chance to even think about kids, either. That’s probably a good thing, considering that neither of their lives are exactly accommodating to offspring. It wouldn’t be fair to them and even more so the child they brought into the world.

Lisbon sighs heavily, but does not falter. He, however, is distracted by it and the knife falls to his feet. After he kicks it aside, giving up, she does the same with her firearm. He’s not sure if he’s happy or sad about that. Without the gun, she’s less imposing, less of a threat, but equally, there’s less fierce intensity about her. However, it also means it’s safe to approach the woman he loves and remind her of just that.

With a warm smile, he finally closes the distance between them and wraps his arms around her lithe form. As his fingers dance up and down her spine, she hums slightly and melts into his touch. That feeling of power over her always makes him feel stronger. He knows how to torture and kill humans and happily does so on occasion, but it’s the pleasuring of one very specific woman that really breaks him.

When she rolls up onto her tiptoes and covers his lips with her own, he decided that this must be the very definition of bliss.

Her tongue swipes delicately against his lower lip and he cannot help but melt to her whim and grant her access. There’s something so firm, yet gentle about her ministrations. He’s never been able to say no to her.

It’s half the reason he didn’t kill her when he first had the chance, all those years ago. On their first meeting, when she didn’t realize who he was, who his other persona was.

She knows now, has known for years.

The question is why hasn’t she dared to stop him before now?

Why has she let him get away with murder, quite literally?

Is it because he’s been too good? That although she knows his other name, the one the media and the police and Patrick Jane refer to him as, that she doesn’t have any solid evidence, barring her own testimony?

Or more likely, because if she tries to send him down now, using her testimony, she’ll go crashing in flames as well. After all, that would beg the question, why didn’t she inform the authorities earlier? Why keep it such a big secret?

The answer to that is easy: love.

She’s blinded by love. Has been for too long. So has he, though he’d never admit to it.

Teresa Lisbon couldn’t break her own heart because of the law. She’s already had to make so many sacrifices and this would probably be a step too far.

Wouldn’t it?

There’s a loud bang from somewhere and he’s brought straight back to the present.

The first thing he notices is the shooting pain. He staggers back, places his hands onto his abdomen. Wildly, he looks around the room, at the smiley face he’d painted on the wall, at the dead girl lying prone on the floor behind them. Then, he looks back at his wife and then down at his hands, covering his stomach.

When he removes his fingers from it, just thirty seconds later, they’re covered in sticky red blood. His own blood.

The bitch.

She shot him. Her own husband.

Has literally broken him, and not just his heart either.

And now, she’s just standing there, not doing a thing. Watching him die.

She’s holstering his gun, as if it were her own. He’d stashed it in the back of his pants for safe-keeping, just in case something went wrong whenever he went out on one of his sprees. You never knew when a victim’s boyfriend was going to come home early, or if they were going to have friends to visit. Even the most meticulously planned murder could have something go wrong.

Can’t plan for every single detail.

Certainly can’t plan for your own wife springing you in the middle of a murder and then killing you with your own weapon.

But, quite obviously, these things do happen from time to time.



“Patrick Jane says hi,” she says lightly.

It’s a few more seconds until his eyes flutter shut for the last time.

pairing: lisbon/red john, character: teresa lisbon, character: red john, fandom: the mentalist, fic: oneshot, project: holiday fics

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