In Time: Finding Strength

Jun 21, 2010 11:26

Title: Finding Strength
Summary: In this nightmare, Sam needs to find a reason to keep her going.
Timeframe: During “Continuum.”
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Jack (implied)
Genre: Angst
Rating: G.
Note: Written for regularamanda for the alphabet writing meme. She chose the letter 'C' for 'Continuum.'

Finding Strength

No, no, no. Not Jack. Not now. He can’t be dead. Please.

“Go to the gate.”


She wakes up yelling his name, and is disoriented in the unfamiliar room, her eyes peering frantically in the half light of early morning. Sam sits up and draws her knees toward her body, her face sinking into her hands.

He’s dead. Her Jack is dead, and the one in this terribly wrong timeline wants nothing to do with her.

For a moment, she can’t breathe. It hits her all at once, even though she’s been stuck here for months. She jumps out of bed and runs frantically through the house that will never feel like her home, searching for something-anything-that will remind her of him, of what they had together.

All she finds is an old box of generic brand Froot Loops in the nearly-bare cupboards. She knows they’ve been in there for a long time, and the box is still in perfect, unopened condition. Sam’s never been one for sugary cereal. That was always Jack.

The realization that Jack will never be with her here the way she wants him to be causes her knees to buckle. Sam sinks to the floor, clutching the box of cereal to her chest as tears run down her cheeks. All she knows is that she has to find a way to go back, to change things and have Jack alive and with her again. And that is the only thing that will keep her going.


missing scene, angst, series: in time, prompt!fic, post-series, samjack

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