In Time: As the Natives Do

Jun 17, 2010 20:48

Title: As the Natives Do
Summary: It’s the boys’ turn to dress like the natives.
Timeframe: Some time after “Emancipation” in season one.
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Sam UST
Genre: Humor, UST
Rating: G.
Note: Written for an alphabet writing meme for elle11elle, who chose the letter ‘H’ for ‘Hunt/Hunting.’

As the Natives Do

“I’m not wearing that.”

At the sound of her teammates voices from inside, Sam crept closer to the closed flap of the big tent.

“Jack, it’s traditional for the hunting party to wear the ceremonial outfits.”

“You call that an outfit? Daniel, I’ve got jock straps that cover more than that thing!” the Colonel cried indignantly.

She could imagine Daniel’s sagging shoulders when she heard the loud, exasperated sigh that followed.

“As guests joining the native hunters, it’s a sign of respect for us to wear this as well.” Daniel’s voice was coaxing. “Jack, please, just do this. What would General Hammond say if he found out we blew a treaty with these people because you refused to honor their traditions?”

Sam took a step back as she heard muttered cursing and the sound of rustling clothes. A moment later the tent flap opened, and the three men stepped out dressed in the native garb. Her eyes went wide involuntarily. Although all three men were dressed similarly in what she could only describe as loincloths, Sam only had eyes for the Colonel.

Her gaze swept up from his bare feet, following the line of calf muscles and past scarred knees, up to lean, muscular thighs. Sam’s breath caught in her throat as she skipped over the skimpy bit of animal skin that passed as cloth, and went straight to his flat abdomen, and then the bare chest, sprinkled with a smattering of grey-brown chest hairs.

When her gaze reached the hard lines of his jaw, the firm, set scowl reminded her that he was not a very happy man at the moment. Sam bit her lip to stop herself from whistling.

“Not one word, Carter. Not one word.”


ust, series: in time, awkward!sj, ficlet, prompt!fic, samjack, humor

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