Transitions (1/12)

Dec 24, 2009 13:44

Title: Transitions (1/12)
Summary: Sequel to " Changes"Jack and Sam's relationship grows, going through it's ups and downs with a little help from their SGC family. SamJack, DanielJanet.
Timeframe: Takes place approximately one year after "Changes".
Characters/Pairing: Established SamJack, established DanielJanet, Team, Cassie
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Romance
Rating: T

Started: Dec. 10, 2007 Finished: Dec. 25, 2009
Please Read: Although I haven't quite finished, I've seriously got like a paragraph or two left to write in the last chapter. So, as a little Christmas gift, I've decided to start posting. I'm just hoping that there are still readers out there interested in this. Well, anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :) EDIT: NOW COMPLETE! :)
Also, I apologize for the flip-flopping 3rd person narrative point of views. The first story was like that, and that is the way I've already written much of this story. I just hope it doesn't detract from the story at all, which I don't think it does.

Chapter One: Jack's Jaunt

Sam stepped out of the wormhole and made her way down the ramp with Daniel and Teal'c not far behind. Her gaze immediately went out toward the control room window, and she smiled brightly, seeing Jack waiting for her as he usually did if he was on base. In one year his condition had greatly improved. Janet had him on anti-seizure medication, and he still suffered the occasional blinding, or debilitating headaches and bouts of nausea, but he had healed much more significantly mentally. His memory was much better, and he was just as quick on his feet as before. Other than the panic disorder he seemed to have developed, which affected him during moments of high stress, Jack was usually able to carry on normally.

As she handed over her gear to the technicians, Sam briefly reflected on the past several months as she went to greet Jack. Their relationship had really blossomed a little over six months ago, when he'd shown signs that his full mental capacity was pretty much back to normal. She'd even moved all her things into his place and sold her own house. They were happy together, and although Jack tended to get a little stir crazy as he was still forced to be medically retired, Hammond helped to keep him busy by continuing to involve him in the Stargate Program. Jack was able to lend his expertise in the training programs, and add his input during certain briefings, and for team missions. She knew he was still envious about being unable to join SG-1 through the gate, and that he often got worried when she was gone, but on rare occasions he was authorized to go for 'supervising' missions, which usually involved babysitting a group of scientists, or some off-world training exercises run by another SG team leader.

"Hey." Jack grinned at Sam and gave her a quick hug before the guys came up behind her. "How'd the newbies do?"

"Well, Daniel got himself shot with an Intar at the beginning of the exercise." Sam laughed, jerking her thumb in the archaeologist's direction.

Said archaeologist ducked his head sheepishly.

Jack's eyebrows rose and he chuckled. "I still can't believe Hammond's actually letting you guys use those things on the recruits."

Teal'c smiled a little. "They are indeed useful training weapons, O'Neill."

"Yeah, Jack," Daniel added. "They've been in testing for over a year and have been proven safe for training."

"Whatever you say." Rolling his eyes, Jack patted Daniel on the shoulder and turned down the corridor. "C'mon Danny-boy, I'll buy you a slice of pie."

"Jack, the pie in the commissary is free," Daniel told him, shaking his head and following after his friend with Sam and Teal'c. It was hard to believe how different Jack had been a year ago, and Daniel couldn't be more grateful for small miracles. His friend had come back to them.


"Hey, Sam?" Jack wandered into her lab after the mission debriefing to find her typing up some evaluation notes on the latest recruits.

She looked up from her work and smiled at him. "Hey. What's up?"

Jack sidled up to her, leaning over to wrap his arms around her and kissing her cheek affectionately. "You almost ready to head home?" he asked softly, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Nodding, she quickly continued to type away at her laptop. "Yep, almost done," she promised, her brows furrowing suddenly with concern as she felt him sag heavily against her and nuzzle his forehead into her shoulder. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Jack breathed, pulling away from her and sinking into the nearest vacant chair. "I'm just tired," he assured her with a tight smile. It was days like this that he really wished he was still able to drive. However, with the risks his sudden headaches and the possibility of seizures posed, it just wasn't going to happen.

Sam suddenly remembered that today had been the day Janet had wanted to do her monthly full run of tests and physical exercises with him. Fraiser had insisted this be done at least once a month so she could keep track of his progress, even though he had healed a great deal already and she doubted much more damage would be reversed. Sam knew her friend also wanted to be sure that Jack didn't regress any from the use of the Tok'ra's pod. It had been a concern of Janet's and Sam's as well, ever since he'd used it.

"I'm sorry Jack, I completely forgot," Sam exclaimed guiltily, sympathy in her eyes as she gazed over at Jack. She was usually able to be there with him for the grueling tests, but this time she'd been away on a mission.

He blinked at her, brows furrowing in confusion. "What?"

"Janet and her tests today." She grimaced, turning away from her computer and scooting the chair closer to his. "How'd it go?"

Jack just shrugged and waved a hand dismissively. "Eh, results are good so far. No changes from last time." He shrugged again, indifferently, and offered her a tired smile.

Sam frowned a little, knowing just how exhausted he must have been. Dealing with a bunch of doctors and nurses and their constant poking and prodding all day could be a very trying experience. She turned away from him a moment to shut down her laptop. "I can finish this up tomorrow," she said reassuringly, getting up and reaching for Jack's arm to pull him to his feet with her.

Not allowing her to let go of him just yet, Jack pulled Sam into his arms and hugged her tightly, burrowing his face into the crook of her neck. "I love you so much, Sam," he murmured softly into her neck.

"I love you, too." Her own arms wound tightly around his back and she reveled in his warmth, though was a little concerned at the sudden affection. Since he recovered, Jack didn't hesitate when showing his love for her, and did so often, whether or not others were around. Of course he toned it down when there actually were others present, especially when they were on base, but he and Sam were so close, and he just loved being able to express his emotions after being unable to really do so for over a year. But today he seemed a little bit clingy, and she absently wondered if he'd had an episode when she was away and he didn't want her to know about it. Sam made a mental note to see if Janet knew anything later.

Kissing her lips gently, Jack slowly pulled away with a smile. "Let's go, Dorothy's waitin' at home."

She nodded, quickly gathering up her things and moving with him out the door, locking up her lab behind them.


Having been eagerly awaiting her owners' arrival, Dorothy barked happily and pounced on Jack the moment he stepped through the front door. She licked his face, wagging her tail happily as he patted her head before jumping up at Sam to greet her in the same way.

"Yeah, we missed you too, girl." Jack chuckled, stepping around the big German Shepherd and making his way to the kitchen to get her food.

"I think she only missed us because she was hungry," Sam joked as she watched Dorothy scarf down the kibble as soon as Jack poured it into her bowl. When he went to get the dog fresh water, Sam shed her coat and draped it over a chair at the table. She made her way over to the refrigerator and leaned over, peering inside while Jack took off his own coat and slipped out of his shoes. "What do you feel like having for dinner?" she asked him, grimacing at the bare contents of their fridge.

Jack moved to peak over her shoulder, his eyebrows rising as he chuckled softly at her ear. "Um, I'm thinkin' take-out." He smirked and pulled back as she closed the refrigerator door and turned to face him, hands on her hips in thought.

She nodded. "We'll definitely need to go grocery shopping tomorrow."

"Uh-huh." Jack grinned at her lopsidedly. "In the mood for pizza?" he suggested with a shrug.

"Sure, pizza's good," Sam agreed, going down to the living room with him to get the phone. She sat at the edge of the coffee table and hit speed dial while Jack turned on the TV and sunk down into the couch.

Jack yawned loudly as he stretched out across the couch cushions and pulled the blanket from the back over himself.

Sam noticed that Jack had fallen asleep by the time she finished placing their order and turned to gaze at him for a moment, finding peace in his relaxed features. She loved the man so much, and even considering everything they'd both been through, she wouldn't have changed a thing.


Sam hadn't had the heart to wake him once the food arrived, and wound up eating a couple slices of pizza before neatly plating and covering the rest up with plastic wrap. She set the remainder of the pizza on the kitchen table and picked up a book to read while lounging on the armchair in the living room. Dorothy had joined them and was lying on the floor between the couch and the coffee table.

Jack had started to mumble in his sleep, moving around fitfully.

Dorothy sat up where she'd been lying on the floor and cocked her head at Jack, seeming to watch him curiously.

"Jack?" Sam set her book down and sat up in the armchair, leaning toward him. "Jack, wake up."

"Sam?" he murmured, still appearing to be deeply sleeping, apparently caught up in some dream. His face twisted and he rolled to his side, facing her, but not waking up. "Don't go Sam... Duh-don't go..." Jack's fingers desperately grasped at the couch cushions, his brows deeply furrowed. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry."

"Jack!" Sam was at his side instantly, pressing a hand to his shoulder, wary of his jerky movements. "Jack, honey, wake up. I'm right here, Jack; listen to me." She shook his shoulder and moved backwards just in time to avoid a flailing arm as he suddenly shot upright, his eyes open and wild, body trembling.

Seeing the beginnings of a panic attack, Sam slowly and calmly sat beside him on the couch and reached a hand behind him to gently stroke the back of his neck with her thumb. "Shh...shh. It's okay, Jack; relax. Take deep breaths, come on," she soothed when he began taking quick, panicked breaths. "Come on, slow down. You're starting to hyperventilate. Listen to me Jack; slow, deep breaths." Sam moved her hand to his back, rubbing in soothing circles in her attempt to calm his breathing. "I'm right here with you. It was just a dream," she assured him.

He slowly began to relax after a few minutes, his breathing returning to normal, lean frame no longer shaking uncontrollably. Jack ran a hand through his hair, heaving a loud sigh and leaning forward to drop his face in his hands. "God," he groaned. "I'm sorry, Sam."

"It's alright," she told him softly, her hand returning to gently stroke the nape of his neck again. Leaning against his shoulder, she kissed his cheek, smiling lovingly against his face, his five o'clock shadow scratchy against her lips. "The pizza came about an hour ago. I put the rest on the kitchen table. You hungry?"

Jack nodded, turning his head to grin appreciatively at her. He didn't want to talk about his nightmare, could barely remember it even, and was glad that Sam understood that. There was no one in the world that knew him as well as she did.


That night, Sam found that she had some trouble sleeping and wound up crawling carefully from her nice warm spot in bed beside Jack to wander downstairs to the kitchen. Dorothy had followed her from the bedroom, and as she sat at the kitchen table with a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, the dog settled on the floor next to her chair. Over the soft thumping of the German Shepherd's tail against the floor, Sam could hear the quiet padding of footsteps nearing the kitchen. She turned to see a sleepy Jack entering the room to stride toward her and silently take the seat across from her. "Sorry," Sam apologized softly. "I tried to get up without waking you."

"It's okay." Jack nodded with understanding, a genuine smile spreading across his face, only for her. He patted his leg for Dorothy to come over to him, and lightly ran his knuckles over her muzzle when she rested her big head in his lap. "I forgot to take my pill anyways," he murmured, not looking at Sam now, as he knew she'd have something to say about that. He often forgot his nightly medication if she didn't remind him.

"Jack," she heaved with an exasperated sigh, shaking her head. Pushing away the pint of ice cream, Sam looked into Jack's dark eyes with concern. "Did you get sick?" she asked, wondering if that was the reason he'd woken.

"No." He shook his head. "I was just cold." Jack shrugged, and then smiled a little. "You weren't there."

She smiled back at him faintly, then grabbed her Ben & Jerry's and slid back the chair, getting up and moving to the refrigerator. Putting the cover back on her ice cream and sticking it in the freezer, Sam opened up the cupboard where they kept Jack's medicine and tipped one of the anti-nausea pills into her palm.

Jack yawned and rubbed a hand across his face, leaning his arms on the table, tiredly. He longed to go back to bed, but not if Sam wasn't coming with him. The sound of the water glass sliding across the wooden table had Jack lifting his head, having not even realized he'd dropped it in the first place. He blinked, then yawned again as Sam handed him the pill. Chasing the medicine down with the water, Jack yawned again and smiled lazily at Sam. "Wanna come back to bed now?"

Nodding slowly, Sam found herself yawning in response to Jack's multiple yawns. She blinked a few times, realizing that she was tiring again, and feeling as though she might be able to get back to sleep.

"Somethin' on your mind?" Jack asked quietly as he, Sam, and Dorothy went back to the bedroom.

"No, not really," she replied, a little too hesitantly for Jack's liking.

He wouldn't let her get away with that so easily. "Sam?" he tried again.

Sam paused and sat down. She heaved a sigh, her back towards him. "Jack, the General asked me if I'd go on a two day study of P7A-644 to do mineral surveys with one of the science teams."

Jack got up, coming around the bed to settle at her side. The groove between his brows deepened and he shrugged, not seeing why she was bothered by this enough that she couldn't sleep. "So? What's the problem?"

Frowning, Sam hung her head and tried not to smile when she felt Dorothy lie down behind them, leaning into their backs. "SG-4 is going to be supervising."

Suddenly, Jack smiled and shifted on the bed so he was more or less facing her. "That's great, I can probably go!" he said excitedly.

She turned to him now and sent him a smile she wasn't really feeling. Sam sighed, a tense, uneasy look on her face. "Jack, this is an overnight mission. Two days. I'm not so sure that-"

"Sam," he cut her off, placing both hands on her shoulders and gazing into her brilliant blue eyes. "It'll be fine, I can handle it," Jack assured her, getting a little annoyed she doubted him now.

She could tell by the tone of his voice that he was getting upset. Sam shook her head. She didn't doubt that he could handle being off-world for a few days, especially since she was going to be there as well. He was totally missing the reason why she was worried. "It's not that Jack, I'm sure you'll be fine," she tried telling him before he got angry with her.

Jack dropped his hands from her shoulders, gently taking her hand in his. His dark eyes softened, brows furrowing. "Then what?"

"Jack..." she had to pause a moment to try to compose herself. Her lower lip trembled slightly as she fought to hold back tears that threatened to fall. She really didn't want to bring this up, but she didn't want him thinking she doubted him either. Sam sucked in a steadying breath. "Jack, I'm just... I'm just scared. You were with SG-1 supervising a group of scientists when-" she couldn't even finish, and by the look on his face she knew he understood.

He slowly pulled her into his arms, her face against his chest when she let him. Gently stroking her back, he pressed his lips to her forehead. "It'll be okay, Sam. They're not studying any weapons, right?" Jack didn't want to admit it, but thinking about his accident shook him up a little, too. It was something he tried not to think about too much. "There's nothing to worry about."

She just managed to shake her head against his chest. Sam knew she was being completely irrational. Jack had gone off-world at least twice in the past couple months when both Janet and Hammond cleared him to do so, but this would be the first actual scientific supervisory mission he'd been on. The other two times Jack went off-world were only for training exercises that lasted a few hours at most.

With his arms still wrapped tightly around Sam, Jack pulled her with him to lie down on the bed, drawing the covers up over them both. As she snuggled as close as possible to his chest, Jack gently kissed the top of her head and smiled against her hair. "It'll be fine, Sam," he assured her softly.

"I know." She tried to convince herself. Sam heaved a sigh into his chest and closed her eyes. Exhaustion was quickly creeping up on her again, and as her mind winded down, she knew she would get back to sleep. "Love you," she murmured tiredly.

"Me, too." Jack yawned, relaxing into the pillows. He closed his eyes when he felt Sam rest limply against him and allowed himself to follow her into sleep.


After General Hammond approved in Jack joining the scientific mission, Sam went with him to the infirmary for their pre-mission checks. The other scientists and SG-4 had already gotten their checks done, but Jack's had to be a little more involved than the others were. When Sam was done with one of the nurses, she sat down on the bed beside Jack as Janet carefully looked him over.

"Have you got all your pills with you?" Janet asked him while she took his blood pressure.

"I've got them," Sam butted in before Jack could answer. She smiled and stuck her tongue out when he teasingly narrowed his eyes at her.

Removing the blood pressure cuff, Janet started moving toward another room just off the infirmary and waved for Jack and Sam to follow. "C'mon, I've got the results from Jack's latest PET scan."

Sam shared a brief look with Jack as they both slid off the bed to follow the doctor.

Janet brought the results up on a set of computer screens and pointed to the colorful scanned images of Jack's brain. She first indicated a picture on the left. "This is one of his scans from six months ago," the doctor then pointed to the picture on the right, "And this is from yesterday. See the difference in brain activity? There's a huge improvement," she told them happily.

Jack's eyebrows lifted and he nodded somewhat disinterestedly. "Yeah, that's great Doc. But it's still the same as a couple weeks ago."

Still smiling, Janet shook her head. "No, you see," she typed up a command on the keyboard and replaced the image from six months ago with the one from two weeks ago. "There's a very slight increase in the one taken yesterday."

Sam studied the images on screen with interest. "That's good, isn't it?"

"Of course it is!" Janet was absolutely beaming by now. "Jack, remarkably, your brain is still working to correct the damage that's there. I'm not sure how much more can be repaired thanks to the help from your Ancient gene, but this is excellent news nonetheless!"

"Um, okay, sure." Jack shrugged, smiling lopsidedly. "This mean I'm cleared to go off-world now?"

Janet gave an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jack, you can go."

"Sweet." He grinned, turning to Sam and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm goin' to get geared up. See ya in the ready room."

Sam watched him go, then took a closer look at the scans and noticed a tiny speck of white that was on both. "Janet? What's that?" she asked worriedly, pointing at the identical anomaly in each scan.

Janet smiled reassuringly as she appeared to realize what Sam was looking at. "Oh, that. A tiny sliver of shrapnel about the size of a fingernail clipping was left behind after his first surgery. We weren't able to remove it because it had gone so deep, but it isn't doing him any harm that we can tell, so we just left it where it was."

"Huh." Sam blinked thoughtfully. "I never noticed before."

"It's hard to spot if you're not looking too closely," Janet said.

Sam just nodded and was about to follow Jack when Janet grabbed her arm. She spun, a questioning look on her face as her friend pulled a bottle of pills from her lab coat pocket and handed them to her. "What's this for?"

"It's a sedative," Janet said quietly. "Just in case," she hurriedly added when Sam gave her another confused look. "If a memory or anything triggers a panic attack, give him one of those to calm him down. They're only mild. I know you're usually able to get him to relax before he has a full-blown attack, but just to be sure." Janet indicated the pills now in Sam's hand.

"Thanks, Janet," Sam told the doctor appreciatively. She quickly tucked the small bottle into the pocket of her BDU pants and smiled tightly, still feeling a little apprehensive about Jack accompanying her on this overnight mission. Waving, Sam left, following Jack's exit to the ready room to gear up for the mission.


With Teal'c taking care of Dorothy for the two days they'd be off-world, Jack found himself hoping the dog would behave herself for their Jaffa friend as he walked alongside Sam to their camp site. SG-4 marked off the area where the scientists would be working a day earlier, and the camp had been set not far away. The rather spacious two-man tents they were supplied with had surprised Jack, and he supposed it had to do with some complaints made by the team of Egg-Heads. The scientists had been known to whine about cramped sleeping quarters off-world.

"Jack, I'm just going to go over to the lab tent to help Dr. Lee set up the computers," Sam explained once she'd finished helping him get their things inside the tent and set up the sleeping bags.

"Okay." Jack nodded absently and crawled from the tent, his hand brushing against the M9 on his side holster. He was comfortable with the feel of the weapon against his leg and felt grateful being permitted to carry the gun. He couldn't imagine being off-world without a means to protect himself, however unlikely the chance of being attacked or getting into any kind of trouble was on these kinds of missions. It was just better to be safe than sorry. He knew that from experience. "I'll go with SG-4 to sweep the camp's perimeter," he told her with a small, familiar smile gracing his lips.

Sam nodded, glancing briefly into his eyes before she walked away.

Adjusting his tactical vest, Jack made his way over to Major Mason Howe. "Hold up, Major," he called, waving a hand to gain the other man's attention.

"Sir." SG-4's leader turned to him.

Jack fought not to roll his eyes at the title. Most of the base personnel had been calling him Colonel and Sir once more since he'd been working with the SGC again, however rarely, and as much as he appreciated their respect, it wasn't necessary. However, he never said anything about it. Shrugging it off, Jack nodded at the Major. "Mind if I join you in a perimeter check?"

"Of course not, sir." Rosy-cheeked Major Howe nodded with a small smile. He jerked his chin toward the small, brown-haired Lieutenant on his team. "Jentzsch, find Bseiso and keep an eye on the mad scientists for a little while, wouldja? Colonel O'Neill and I are doing a quick sweep, and Captain Marvin's getting a nice fire going for us."

Lieutenant Amy Jentzsch nodded in acknowledgment at her commanding officer and hooked her MP5 over a shoulder before heading toward the scientists' work area.

Jack trudged along the mountainous terrain in silence with Major Howe. Their camp was at the base of a mountain, about a mile from the gate, the scenery rocky and thickly forested with bright evergreens. It was an enjoyable view as they crossed bubbling brooks and passed by smaller cliff walls, each man taking a good look at their surroundings.


While Jack was out with Major Howe, Sam had already gotten to work after quickly setting up the computers with Dr. Lee. She was checking out atmospheric readings while the other two scientists were taking soil and water samples, accompanied, as a precaution, by Lieutenant Jentzsch and SG-4's civilian team member, Dan Bseiso.

Sam noted, that even at the base of the mountain, she was getting high altitude readings. She could feel it in the dryness of the air, the thinner oxygen, and went about warning the others to drink plenty of water and not to exert themselves too much. Since it was the first day with the change, she expected they'd adjust a little better by the time they left, but they would only be spending one night on the planet and it would probably take around forty-eight hours for their bodies to be accustomed to the altitude. She'd radioed Jack and Major Howe, giving them the news and warnings, since they were both exerting themselves more than anyone was, having to trek up steep inclines and mountainous terrain during their perimeter check.

Finished with her readings and making a note of the atmospheric conditions on her laptop, Sam packed as much in as possible and went toward the warm, blazing fire that Captain Marvin had got going. The air was cool, but not as chilly as the December weather in Colorado, and she welcomed the warmth of the fire, taking a seat in one of the folding camp chairs they'd brought. As she sat, staring into the fire while her mind continued to work, Sam decided that the area on this planet must have been at a higher altitude than even Colorado, because otherwise they wouldn't be noticing any differences. She also found it odd that atmospheric MALP readings, and those taken earlier by SG-4 had given normal readings.

"Coffee, Major?" Captain Will Marvin passed over a steaming tin cup, which Sam gratefully accepted.

"Thank you, Captain." She nodded at him, looking past him when she noticed Jack and Major Howe emerging from the trees. Sam smiled as the two men strode toward them, both looking a little tired. Her brows furrowed slightly. "You guys should both try and get some rest. You've been doing a lot of moving around and are probably starting to feel a little more altitude sick than any of us."

"I'm okay, Major," Howe told her with a dismissive wave of his hand. He took a seat when Captain Marvin offered his commanding officer his chair and went to grab another one. "Thanks Will." Howe nodded appreciatively at the younger man. He pulled out his canteen and drank deeply as Jack did the same. They'd both remembered Major Carter's warning about getting lots of fluids and staying hydrated.

Jack sat heavily at Sam's side on an old tree stump. He was exhausted. At first he hadn't even noticed the thinner air, and thought maybe he was just out of shape and would need to be hitting the gym a little harder, but then Sam had radioed him and Major Howe and he'd realized that it was the altitude making him feel this way. Jack rubbed absently at his forehead, heedless of Sam's studious gaze on him. He knew the planet's atmosphere caused the headache, and it wasn't one of his crippling migraines, but it didn't make him feel any better.

Watching Jack finish off the water in his canteen, Sam set her coffee cup on the ground and reached for her own water, handing it to him. "Here, drink some more," she instructed gently.

He took it, gratefully draining a quarter of the canteen and passing it back to her.

Lieutenant Jentzsch headed over with Dan, Dr. Lee, and the other two scientists, Doctors Sydney Loren, and Drew Martin, before Sam got the chance to tell Jack to go in their tent and get some rest. Jentzsch and Bseiso were carrying over packs of MREs for their dinner.

"I recommend eating lightly," Dr. Lee warned them all as they sat around the fire and opened up their MREs. "If you're not already feeling it now, nausea will probably be setting in before the day is over." He paused to give the rations in his pack a disgusted look. "We can expect headaches, poor appetite," Lee grimaced again at the food, "nausea, tiredness, possibly dizziness, and trouble sleeping."

"Great," Jentzsch muttered under her breath with a sigh.

Major Howe's gaze flittered across everyone seated around the fire. "It's only starting to get dark now, but I'm going to suggest that everyone bed down early tonight." He saw the anxious looks on the scientists' faces, knowing that they were eager to continue their work. "If you're all still adjusting to the altitude tomorrow, and are unable to complete your research, I'll send a message through to the General to request a little more time," he told them placatingly, speaking mostly to Dr. Loren and Dr. Martin, who were looking most concerned.

"Thank you, Major." Dr. Martin nodded appreciatively, and couldn't help it as his eyes shifted briefly toward Jack with a pointed look. He'd known the Colonel before his accident, from when SG-1 had supervised a different science excursion he'd been on. O'Neill certainly hadn't been as patient as Major Mason Howe, and Drew remembered that the Colonel had ordered the scientists to pack up early and return to Earth on at least one occasion.

"My team and I will take watches during the night while the rest of you sleep," Howe informed them all, sharing nods with his team and getting no complaints from anyone.


Jack had been kneeling down in their tent, adjusting the sleeping bags and digging through his pack when Sam ducked inside. He turned to her with a lopsided grin. "Hey."

"Hi." She smiled back at him and crawled over to sit on the fully opened bag stretched across the floor of the tent. Another bag was completely unzipped and laid out like a blanket over the first. Sam smiled again. Jack was obviously adjusting their sleeping arrangements so it would be a little more like home. She couldn't help but love him for that. Sam wasn't expecting they'd be doing more than literally sleeping together, and wasn't concerned about breaking any of the General's rules. Though no longer bound by the fraternization regulations, Hammond still expected them both to conduct themselves accordingly while working, and Sam and Jack respected the man enough to do so.

Sam removed her boots and jacket as she settled beside Jack, seeing that he had already divested himself of his jacket, vest, boots, and sidearm holster. Both wearing their BDU pants and t-shirts, Jack had started to get comfortable beneath the sleeping bag that covered them when Sam paused, still sitting up. Her brows furrowed. "What were you looking for in your pack?" she asked, realizing that he hadn't taken anything out of it, but had been digging around a lot to find something.

" pills." Jack grimaced, making a face like a little boy that knew he was about to be scolded. "I couldn't find them."

"That's because I put them in my pack." Sam sent him a reassuring smile and pulled her bag on her lap. She took out a small black carrying case with all Jack's medication in it, then tipped out his pill for nausea and handed it to him along with her canteen. "Here you go." Sam then reached for her vest and removed one of the standard issue blister packs of Tylenol. Taking two for herself, she handed two to Jack as well.

He'd taken the first pill, and then furrowed his brows, looking at her with confusion as she gave him the Tylenol. "What's this for?" he grumbled.

"The high altitude headache." She dry-swallowed hers and waved for Jack to return her canteen. She took a few gulps and gave it back, waiting for him to down the other pills she gave him. "I know you've already got one, and I do, too. Just take them," she instructed, staring hard at him.

Jack took the extra pills grudgingly and passed her water back again. Lying down once more, he pulled Sam to him and drew the blankets over their shoulders, his lips brushing the back of her neck. "Rrm... Love you," he murmured softly against her neck, arms wound comfortably around her.

She smiled, lightly grasping his wrist and pulling it up to kiss the back of his hand. "Me too."

They both laid there for a little while, trying to fall asleep before Sam spoke up again, eyes opening. "Jack..." she began in a low, warning tone. "Is that your sidearm?" she asked, trying to hide the giggle that nearly erupted from her lips.

He chuckled softly against her back, wiggling around a little and tightening his hold on her as he shifted, kissing her shoulder. "Sorry, can't help it. I'll be good though," he promised sincerely, a slight amount of regret tingeing his voice.

Despite her best intentions, Sam giggled, and she just knew that Jack was smirking.

"No giggling," he teased as she shook with laughter against him. "That's not helping."

Sam was well aware that at this rate, they'd both have some difficulty getting to sleep, and it had nothing to do with the altitude. She repressed the urge to giggle again, breathing deeply and relaxing as Jack loosened his hold on her while he began to drift off, trying to do the same.

Chapter Two

cassie, team, drama, family, samjack, romance, danieljanet, established relationship, hurt/comfort

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