I keep an LJ alive and running because I want to keep up with my friends and post more private kind of things. I have a Facebook to feel a more general connection to my wider circles
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Yeah, that bugged me too. I have a good friend who lives in France and was personally affected by what happened. I changed my profile pic mainly in support of her. Doesn't mean I don't give a crap about all the other shit that's going down in the world which is a far bigger deal than the tiny issue of what people put on their FB profile pics. And supporting a friend makes me a racist how?? Urgh.
I tend to keep politics off facebook as well. My 'audience' there is wider and more diverse (and in some corners, dusty and archaic and best left alone) I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind with an inforaphic or inflammatory photo. I just peter along and live my life, and vote for what I think is right, donate money where I think it can help, parent my kids and try to teach them my values, and hope I am a good example. As I point out to my kids often. I may not be able to do anything about the entrenched Good Old Boy yelling in the parking lot about the brown people, but he's going to be dead soon and I made 4 of you to replace him!
when my friends used to exclaim about my having 'so many kids" I'd remind them that the right-wing assholes of the world aren't slowing down their procreation and somebody's got to keep up
Yeah, the ideological purity bandwagon is pretty bad. I can simultaneously like Mackie's setting an example and be concerned about his "problematic" statements.
I don't know how to subject, i just woke upscyllacatDecember 22 2015, 12:23:03 UTC
I think the point might have been that you shouldn't let facebook apps tell you what to care about, but I also think that interpretation may have been only in my head. I certainly avoided the hell out of that particular conversation. (ooh, neato, firefly reference x Christmas)
Comments 8
oh well.
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