I think your next project should be "Taking time for Mylia"
aka, whatever time you'd've used to write a fanfic and possibly stress yourself out over deadlines, writer's block, etc, you instead take for YOU take a bubble bath, do some aromatherapy, whatever.
Because I love you, and I support your creativity, but I think sometimes you take on too much at one time.
You've got such a great mum! :D If you ever wanna start on more than one, or prep for next year, I'm gonna go against the grain and say the Twilight/The Day After Tomorrow one! That sounds incredibly awesome and is making the bunnies jump all over me like crazy! I'm not a big fan of Twilight but I hadn't actually considered a crossover with TDAT. Now it's stuck in my head and I just wanna read it!!! :P
Comments 6
I think your next project should be "Taking time for Mylia"
aka, whatever time you'd've used to write a fanfic and possibly stress yourself out over deadlines, writer's block, etc, you instead take for YOU
take a bubble bath, do some aromatherapy, whatever.
Because I love you, and I support your creativity, but I think sometimes you take on too much at one time.
Year End is over and I really feel better emotionally than I have in awhile.
This challenge was one that I have been waiting to see if they ran it again so that I could participate this time.
I love you, too.
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