Apr 18, 2011 20:50

I know I'm late, but I'm a super bad LJer anyways and just wanna say....HAPPY BIRTHDAY thothmes!!!!! :) Hope you had a good day yesterday.

life: birthdays

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Comments 1

thothmes April 19 2011, 05:00:19 UTC
Please refuse to accept delivery on any guilt or any worries.

I happen to be over a month late on several birthday wishes (I just hit one of those months where there was enough craziness going on in rl that it was all I could do to keep from drowning in it). I've got a fic fix for my month + of neglect, and it is a couple of days from posting, but lemme tell you, compared to my lateness, one tiny little day is nothing!

I spent much of the day at an 80th birthday party for my husband's aunt (whose actual birthday was Monday), and as we were leaving I thanked her for throwing such a lovely birthday party for me. ;) It was really nice to get a chance to see a bunch of family and friends that I usually only get to see at Camp in the summer!


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