been a while

Oct 04, 2010 17:04

I've really been neglecting LJ for a while now. Sorry to my f'list and comms I belong to that I haven't been that social! Very busy and I mostly live on Twitter now. :P Still writing fic, always. But not posting unless I have something finished. Haven't done much in the way of graphic making. Just a few icons or something here and there.

life: stuff, life: update, writing, writing: fanfic

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Comments 4

queen_eleta October 5 2010, 00:08:19 UTC
Hey! Nice to see ya!


not_a_zatarc October 5 2010, 00:23:22 UTC
Back at'cha! :)


thothmes October 5 2010, 07:25:03 UTC
'S okay. We'll be here. Waiting.


Any fic now?

Okay, how about now?



Yeah, well. I didn't say waiting patiently now, did I? :)


not_a_zatarc October 5 2010, 12:07:36 UTC
:P ;)


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