Amalgam - Part 7

Feb 05, 2011 18:33

Title: Amalgam - Part 7
Author: not_a_reptile
Pairings: gen.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers RPM or Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.
Summary: Tyzonn, seeking old friends and a new life and returns to an Earth he barely recognizes.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Last Chapter.

“I've found him!” Dr. K shouted as she emerged from her control room. “I've found Ziggy!”

“He's alive?” Gem shouted earnestly.

Dr. K paused. “I can't confirm that,” she said solemnly. “I've got a signal from the locater beacon in his morpher.”

“I didn't know there were locater beacons in our morphers,” Scott said flatly.

“You don't have one,” Dr. K remarked. “Only Ziggy has one. It was a special modification I made.”

“Then we must go and rescue him,” Tyzonn said.

“There's only one problem,” Dr. K said. “He's located at the activity center of the remnant forces.”

“And we're down a man,” Gem remarked.

“Leave that to me,” Dr. K said.

Kelian entered the room wearing a pair of Scott's black jeans and one of Summer's yellow tops. Gem cracked a smile and Scott snickered.

“What?” Kelian inquired. “Did I put it on backwards?”

“Go put on another shirt,” Dr. K said. “Then I want to see you in my lab.”

Kelian went back into the the spare room.

“Be careful,” she warned the rangers. “This may be a trap.”

“Come on guys,” Scott urged his team. “Time is wasting.”


Maximus gazed at the morpher on his wrist and the light flashing on it. “Come to me, Dr. K,” he murmured. “Together you and I will rule this world, and then, thanks to the Mercurian, the universe.”

He monitored the progress of a team of grinders who were towing Tyzonn's abandoned ship to his lair.

“I will construct a fleet of these ships and swarm the galaxy, conquering every world one by one. If the alien is smarter than he seems and deleted the navigational data it will be only a small setback.”


Kelian lay on the examining table now wearing one of Scott's red tee shirts as Dr. K scanned him with a hand-held device.

“I have designed a suit for you that is similar to your father's,” said Dr. K. “I would do better if I had more time but I'm sure it will suffice.”

Her hand-held device beeped rapidly for a second and then stopped.

“There,” she said. “I have entered your DNA sequence into the network.” She handed him a wrist device similar to the one Tyzonn used but was white and purple. “I assume you know how to use it,” she said.

“That's great, but, if my dad and your rangers are defeated what chance to we stand?” he asked

“I convinced a former team member of my team to come out of retirement,” she said. “He is the strongest ranger of them all.”

“So, what will they call me?” Kelian asked.

“What do you mean?” Dr. K asked puzzled.

“My ranger name. What is it?”

Dr. K thought for a moment. “You will called, 'Amalgam Ranger'”


Ziggy sat on the small seat of his cell humming the theme to “COPS” to himself. Then he sang softly to himself. Finding himself increasingly amused he sang the chorus louder and louder until Maximus appeared outside the window.

“Shut up!” he shouted.

“Whatcha gonna do?” Ziggy asked and repeated the line of the song until a bolts of electricity from the cell walls jolted him.

“Be silent or I will kill you NOW!” Maximus snarled.

The shock had thrown Ziggy off his narrow seat and onto the floor. He stood up and sat back down on the seat. Once Maximus was out of earshot he sang softly to himself again.

Moments later another face appeared outside his cell. It was Tyzonn, who held a finger to his lips. Ziggy took the hint and kept quiet as Tyzonn turned his hand to liquid and seeped into the control panel, shorting it out. He forced the door open far enough for Ziggy to squeeze through.

“Where's your morpher,” Tyzonn whispered.

“He took it,” Ziggy whispered back.

Gem and Scott rushed around the corner.

“Good! You found Ziggy,” Scott said in a hushed voice. “Let's go before they find out we're here.”

“Wait,” Tyzonn said. “We need to get his morpher back.”

“There's no time for that,” Scott said. “This way.”

The four rangers hurried down the hall but were stopped when a door closed at the end of the hall.

“Dead end,” Scott said. They doubled back only to find Megawatt and a legion of grinders ahead of them.

“I guess our luck has run out,” said Gem.


“I need to talk to you about a personal matter,” said Dr. K.

“Sure,” said Vasquez, who Dr. K had called on the video phone.

“With Summer and Gemma away you are the only woman left for me to confide in.”

“Any time you want to talk I'm here for you.”

“It's just that, this mission is dangerous and there's a chance that I might not return,” Dr. K began.

“I don't understand why you think you have to do this,” Vasquez interjected.

“It's because of Ziggy, you see.”

“I know you and he have become close. Are you in love with him?”

“Yes, but that's not all. I'm… pregnant.”


The rangers were bound and being lead by Megawatt and the grinders into the main room where Maximus was waiting.

“I've captured the intruders who were attempting to rescue the green ranger,” said Megawatt. “Dr. K is not among them.”

“She will come,” Maximus said with certainty. He turned to face the rangers.

Tyzonn gazed at Maximus with amazement. “So, it's true! You're just like Mack!”

“You may call me 'Maximus'” he said. “I am unique, and far superior to the prototype.”

“Inferior is more like,” Tyzonn remarked.

“How so?” asked Maximus.

“You have no heart!” he growled.

“On the contrary,” said Maximus. “I know what I want and I am ruthless about getting it, as you can see.”

“Gluteus Maximus here needs a spanking!” Ziggy taunted. “Go on Ty! Do your thing!”

“I can't,” said Tyzonn. “These chains are lead coated. I cannot transform.”

“What do you want with Dr. K?” asked Ziggy.

“Never you mind. Just know that she is the only reason any of you are still alive.”


Dr. K, who was dressed in her white cloak, peered from behind a mound through a pair of binoculars at the fortress-like compound where Ziggy and the other rangers were being held.

“Way to be inconspicuous, Doc,” said Dillon.

“I'm already starting to regret letting you come back,” she said sarcastically.

“You begged me,” he said flatly. “Speaking of clothes,” he said, turning to Kelian, “is that my old jacket?”

Kelian examined the black zip-up hoodie he had thrown on. “Could be.”

“I thought we burned that thing,” Dillon remarked.

Dr. K watched as the grinders who were standing guard entered the compound.

“Now's our chance,” she said.

“Let's go!” Dillon said as he charged forward. Kelian chased after him and Dr. K lagged behind.

Inside they were confronted by Megawatt, who blasted them with bolts of electricity from his head. Kelian and Dillon were thrown to the floor as Dr. K watched from outside the door.

“RPM! Get in Gear!” Dillon shouted as he morphed into the black ranger.

“Hope this works,” Kelian said. “Overdrive! Accelerate!”

Kelian's suit and helmet were the same overall design as Tyzonn's but instead of black and silver with metallic blue trim his suit was purple and white with silver trim.

“Let's see what this can do!” said Kelian as he drew his blaster and fired at Megawatt.

The monstrous bot took the blasts but seemed to be completely unaffected.

“Okay, not much I guess,” said Kelian as he dodged a bolt of electricity from the bot.

“Let's concentrate our fire on that bubble head's head!” Dillon quipped.

Kelian and Dillon both fired at Megawatt's head, which halted him but still did not damage him much.

Dr. K emerged from behind the two rangers with her violin which she played furiously.

The firepower from the two rangers and the intense sound vibrations from Dr. K's violin were enough to shatter Megawatt's head which exploded into hundreds of pieces. The robot collapsed, then exploded.

The rangers demorphed.

“Good thinking, Dr. K,” said Dillon. “Your music was always enough to make my head explode!”

“Does the expression, 'Pearls before swine' mean anything to you?” asked Dr. K.

“Say, aren't some of your friends supposed to be in danger or something?” Kelian inquired.

“Right,” said Dr. K.

“Let's go,” said Dillon.

The team reached a corridor at the end of the hallway.

“Let's split up,” Dillon said. “Kelian, you go that way. Dr. K, you come with me.”

Kelian continued down the corridor until he reached a large hangar area where he found Tyzonn's ship being equipped with a power supply by some grinders. He soon found himself overtaken by several other grinders that swarmed over him.

Meanwhile Dr. K and Dillon reached the command center where the rangers were being held captive.

Dillon approached the rangers but found himself trapped by a force shield being emitted from the ceiling.

A pair of grinders grabbed Dr. K from behind. She struggled to break free but she was not strong enough.

“At last!” chimed Maximus as he emerged from behind the data processing hub. “Dr. K, I presume.”

Dr. K scowled back at Maximus. “Let them go,” she said.

“No,” Maximus said flatly. “I will spare their lives if, and only if, you submit yourself to me.”

Dr. K raised an eyebrow. “What does that entail?” she asked hesitantly.

“You are the mother of Venjix and I am the father. It is only fitting that we should rule the universe together, forever.”

“Forever?” she said skeptically. “You mean, till death do us part.”

“Not at all,” Maximus said. “I have prepared a flawless robotic body for you. Once I have uploaded your data into it this flesh that confines you will be discarded.”

A look of horror came over Dr. K's face. “Never!” she shouted.

“Then I will kill your friends and simply take your data by force.”

Maximus extended his hand towards Ziggy. “I'll start with this one. He annoys me.”

Suddenly, sparks shot out of Maximus' head and he shook violently and fell to the floor. Liquid mercury flowed out of his mouth and then took the form of Kelian.

“That was a short forever,” he remarked. He took his blaster and shot Maximus in the head, disintegrating it. He then shot the grinders who were holding Dr. K.

“There, I think that's all of them,” he said. He blasted the data processing hub and Dillon was freed.

Kelian went over to free Tyzonn. Dr. K went over to free Ziggy and Dillon went to help Scott and Gem.

As Kelian and Tyzonn hugged each other Kelian told his dad that he used his ship to contact home and had learned that Vella had been found alive.

Dr. K told Ziggy the news that he was going to be father. Ziggy smiled and hugged Dr. K again.

“It is mine, isn't it?” he asked her jokingly. “Because if that baby comes out with a fro I'm gonna be pissed!” Dr. K let out a chuckle.

“Dillon,” Ziggy began. “I want you to be the godfather of my son, or daughter.”

“Sure,” Dillon said. “On one condition.”


“I want you to be the godfather of my son, or daughter.”

The rangers gathered to hug and congratulate each other. The hard work of rebuilding civilization had begun at last.

The End.

power rangers rpm, fanfic

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