Title: Can’t Stand It - Vignettes
Rating: NC-17 for the whole story
Genre: au
Summary: Jack drives to Wyoming when he hears about Ennis’ divorce. He does not react well to Ennis sending him away.
Warnings: Angst, bad grammar, typos.....no death and I like happily ever after.
Disclaimer: I borrowed these characters and I make no money from this.
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Comments 33
You always manage to make each character quite fleshed out and believable, but all full of surprises, growing and maturing, like Alma's to offer to Bobby. The humorous banter and sexual playfulness between Ennis and Jack is another of my favorite aspects of CSI (the comments about sleeping with another Peterson and the tie were just great
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Well, nice to have another installment. And I'm glad that Jack and Bobby went to the graduation with Ennis and the rest of the family. They are all a blended family and they aren't going away... except on vacation to New York! Great city! I too have walked and ridden a bicycle from the Battery to Central Park. J&E and the kids could stay a month and still just scratch the surface of all the sights. Hope they make it to the UN Building which would definitely broaden their horizons even more, and to the top of the Empire State Building for the view.
I like how you pull in these surprise facts of their lives, like the ugly tie and the uglier table. And how Ennis is relaxing more into his life with Jack, and didn't run and hide when Junior made her remark about being gay and having bad taste! And the time and trust that Monroe gave to Amanda. And Alma with Bobby.
Looking forward to more... as always.
Thanks again.
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