
Feb 04, 2010 21:21

Moira's made her way down to the Compound before Rahne even wakes, stopping in for breakfast with the intention of going to the lab next. Those ridiculous cherubs are gone, at least, and if the island's still crawling with people acting like lovesick puppies, Moira's barely noticed. There's too much else on her mind, and she doesn't particularly ( Read more... )

felix unger

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Comments 22

oscaroscaroscar February 10 2010, 08:22:11 UTC
Normally, Felix's days started even earlier, his morning shower finished before breakfast was even served, but he was giving himself a bit of leeway today, having managed to survive another Valentine's Day being hopelessly, helplessly alone. He'd certainly weathered worse, but that didn't make it easy.

Suppressing another sigh as he strode towards the kitchen, he was so focused on not being horribly depressed, he barely noticed when he nearly walked straight into the woman who was just coming out. Snapping momentarily out of his stupor, Felix glanced up to apologize, shaking his head. "Nonsense, the fault was all..." Trailing off, he found his breath caught in his throat for the briefest of moments, brow furrowing in surprise. She was the most enchanting woman he'd seen in... well, ever! "...mine, I'm sure. And you are?" he asked, spinning on his heels to head in the same direction as she. Breakfast may have been the most important meal of the day, but matters of the heart always trumped matters of the stomach.


nostoppinglife February 10 2010, 08:42:12 UTC
Moira hardly expected him to follow after her once her apology was accepted. She wasn't entirely sure why he was looking at her like that either, but there was no reason to be rude. It wasn't like she was on a schedule here. All the same, she found herself hesitating before snapping out of it. Transferring her coffee to her left hand, she offered the other to him.

"Moira," she said, sparing a glance to be sure she didn't get in anyone else's way when she stopped in the hall. "Moira MacTaggert - an' I should ha' been lookin' where I was goin', but it's kind o' ye t' say."


oscaroscaroscar February 10 2010, 10:14:04 UTC
"Moira MacTaggert," Felix repeated, his voice falling nearly to an awed whisper as he took her proffered hand and dropped dramatically to one knee, pressing a kiss to the back of it. Those eyes, that accent, those manners. "Enchanté."

Where had she been all his life? Knowing this place, probably fighting aliens on a space ship or under the ocean or something ridiculous like that, completely unsuited to such a marvelous creature.


nostoppinglife February 10 2010, 10:56:44 UTC
"Wha--" Moira stared down at him, caught off guard. There was no telling, of course, if he just happened to be from a time or place where that was simply the custom, but that didn't mean he didn't look a bit daft, kneeling there. She drew her hand back cautiously, a little bewildered by the display. Though he seemed entirely in earnest, she wasn't sure she wasn't just the target of some impromptu practical joke. "Yes, charmed, delightful -- now d'ye mind gettin' up off the floor?"


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