rules ::

Oct 17, 2008 19:05

Rules! Everyone loves the rules, don’t they? And everyone will want to follow them, THAT IS NATURALLY A GIVEN. The rules are here to keep everything running smoothly, I’m pretty sure we don’t want to end up on roleplaysecrets with bad stuff being said about us. We’d like to have a roleplay that is, when out of character, very peaceful. As for in character? Go mad, really.

Kay, so.

. GUYS. Hello, let’s all be friends. Like it was already said, it’d be nice for this place to stay peaceful and wank free! That said, let’s not to anything to spark off discomfort and shit. If you have a problem with someone or someone’s characterisation, please don’t go and confront them about it. Please tell a mod - I’m pretty sure they don’t bite, and they’ll be willing to listen and deal with any problem that arises.

Also, another pretty much given thing, if your character and another person’s character don’t get along, that doesn’t mean that the other person hates you, okay? It’s likely that they don’t, because in character interactions do not equal out of character feelings. I guess I wouldn’t suggest joining here if you have any issues with race, religion or sexuality, because this is a roleplay where those things should not affect how players perceive each other or other’s characters.

. Kinda stupid, but stay in character? I MEAN, LIKE. Don’t make a character gay just so that you can place some “omg hawt pairing!” or something stupid, ‘cause that’s stupid. Also, if someone has already applied and been accepted one half of a pairing that you ship but they don’t? Well, I’m sorry, but that’s that. I think that it’s pretty fair for them to have first choice of what pairing they involve their character in if they were here before you. That means no badgering or forcing people to convert to your pairing - everyone’s allowed to have their own opinions (though, regarding the “no wank please!” rule, we don’t want to get too excited or vicious with these opinions, kay?).

. With regards to posting, there’ll be four places where regular members can post: the main comm (citywithnosky) which is where regular in character entries are made; the logs comm (nosky_logs), where third person roleplays belong; the ooc comm (nosky_ooc), which is where you introduce yourself, as well as notify us of any hiatuses or character drops; finally, your character’s journal, where you basically post any additional information about your character, or something to do with them. Like relationship information, canon information that other characters might need to know/be wary of/whatever.

. Just a couple of things about roleplay posting:

Firstly, tagging. Tagging in the main comm and ooc comm is pretty simple, all you need to do is put your character’s name, and the name of any other characters that might be involved (i.e. Holly Short, Artemis Fowl). It’d also be good if you put in a tag to warn about mature content, something that will be talked about at a slightly later stage in the rules. There’s also tagging to do with visual/audio entries and written entries, specified below.

At the main comm, you can either post a visual/audio entry, which is filmed/recorded by your golem, or you can post a journal entry, which is written in your journal. You need to tag according to what kind of post that is (e.g. audio, visual, journal), and you can switch between posting method in the middle, for whatever reason, as in, you can change from video to audio or audio to written, if you like.

When showing actions, could you please put them in those square parentheses? For example: [He sits, smiling brightly.], or [He sits, smiling brightly.], any variation of that works. We'd rather that you not use asterisks. When making an ooc remark in an ic comment, as long as you put “ooc:” or [[double parentheses]] or something similar, you’re fine.

. If you’re confused about something, don’t be afraid to ask. As it was mentioned, the mods won’t eat anyone, we’re friendly. Leave us a question on the FAQ or send us a PM on our personal accounts. We won’t be bothered by you in the least - unless you ask a stupid question that’s already been answered in the FAQ, in which case we’re direct you back to it.

. There’ll be an activity check once every two months. You’ll only be excluded if you are on hiatus or if you miss it and have a very good reason behind it. Miss the activity check, which’ll be open for a week, and your characters are removed and considered dropped.

. Strange events occur every so often in Marillian Spyre, and with each of these new events, there’ll be a new post at the main comm, which is ooc and is where you can ask any questions concerning the event, whether it’s giant moles attacking store rooms or a dragon damaging light bulbs. Also, feel free to suggest events and such like on the suggestion post; we’re always open to new ideas, and we’d love input from our players.

. If there’s something major that you want to do with your character, like make them into a vampire when they’re canonically not (lame example, but still), just PM the mods before going a head and doing so? The same goes for if you’re updating a character’s canon - in that case, the character has to leave Marillian Spyre for a day, at minimum, and in their return post, please make an ooc note of it, and also PM a mod saying so, just in case. We like to keep our taken list nice and neat, ahaha.

. To prove that you've read the rules, please make some comment involving pineapples in your application. This is only required for your first character, and it's just the mods making sure that you've read things thoroughly.


mod, rules

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