[fic] Bloody Torchwood (1/?)

Jun 07, 2008 01:05

Title: Bloody Torchwood (1/?)
Author: noscrubs12345

sirius100 Prompt: Variations on Reality (Also fits "Escape" on my 50scenes table and "White" on my 100_colours table.)
Pairings: Implied Remus/Sirius, Jack/Ianto
Word Count: 1200
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sirius Black knew there was something he didn't like about Cardiff. He just didn't expect it to be a rift in time and space. But, once taken, will he be able to make it back to the wizarding world? Or will he be stuck with bloody Torchwood if his friends don't find him first? And what does a mysterious blonde woman have to do with the strange blue box hidden inside the Department of Mysteries?
Warnings: crossover, spoilers through Torchwood series two
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, Russell T Davies, the BBC, various publishers, including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: It only seems it was only a matter of time until my two OTPs should eventually meet like this. As for why Sirius is in Cardiff, in my personal canon Remus is Welsh. Unbeta'd. Please point out any mistakes you may find.


“Mam wants us back by five,” Remus said and licked his ice cream before it could drip onto his fingers. “Aunt Lyneth is coming for dinner.”

Sirius groaned and stopped by a bin. “Can’t we say we’re ill?”

Remus sighed, half-expecting Sirius to stamp his foot like a toddler. “No. Mam wants you on your best behaviour this time.”

“So I said your auntie had a nice moustache.” Sirius shrugged, though he couldn’t help the way one side of his mouth turned up. “What’s the big deal? You’d think she’d shave it once in a while.”

Remus rolled his eyes. “Because that wasn’t very polite, Padfoot.”

“Well, it's true. And she started it,” Sirius grumbled, eyes growing wide as a bright white light took him by surprise. It surrounded him, and he tried calling out for Remus, but he didn’t seem to hear him or even see the strange light, the daft bugger.

“I don’t care who started it,” Remus called back, licking his ice cream cone. “She’s still my aunt-she doesn’t care about my problem and I want you to be nice. All right?”

He stopped when Sirius didn’t answer.


He was no longer behind Remus when he turned around, nothing but his half-eaten ice cream and the shopping bags he’d been carrying strewn on the ground.

“Not again. Real mature, Padfoot!” Remus called and, making sure no Muggles were around, muttered, “Accio Sirius!”

When Sirius didn’t come shooting out of the bushes or from behind the nearest bin, Remus started to panic.


“Rift activity in Bute Park,” Ianto said, leaning into Jack as he wrapped his arms around him from behind. “Looks like it might be a negative spike. And just when the Rift was starting to calm down.”

Jack sighed and kissed Ianto’s neck.

“I think it’s trying to spite us,” the captain said and laughed when Ianto rolled his eyes. “First those Hoix at three yesterday morning, now this. I do like to sleep sometimes.”

“We should probably go check it out,” the Welshman said, pulling away from Jack.

Jack stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. He kissed Ianto’s neck again, grinning as the man shivered. “Can’t we finish here first?”

“Rift now, sex later,” Ianto said. “They may need medical attention. I’ll get the kit, you call Helen. Let her know we might be bringing someone in.”

“All right then,” Jack said dejectedly, pecking Ianto on the cheek before moving towards his office.

“I’ll meet you at the SUV,” Ianto called with a chuckle.

“I can think of better things to do in it,” Jack shouted back, grabbing his greatcoat from his office.

“I bet you can,” Ianto muttered with a smile and made his way to the autopsy bay.

He watched Jack pull his mobile out of his coat before he disappeared into the pit, trying to ignore the green apron folded on the table and the dark spot on the floor he couldn’t seem to scrub away not matter how hard he tried as he gathered some small things for the SUV’s first aid kit.

He hoped it wasn’t going to be a long night. A quiet night in with Jack was much more appealing than a trip to Flat Holm.


The first thing Sirius noticed when he came to was that it was dark out.

“Bloody Cardiff,” he said, clutching his head as he sat up. Why Remus insisted on living there, he couldn't quite figure out.

“I know the feeling,” an American voice said from somewhere off to his right.

He went for his wand and stood quickly, regretting it as his head swam and stomach lurched. His legs felt like jelly. Brilliant.

“Who are you?” he croaked, squinting at the two men in front of him in the pale light of a full moon. A full moon he knew was still two weeks off. “And what the fuck is going on?”

He raised his wand and watched as the men shared a quick look, their right hands going to something on their belts.

“I’m Captain Jack Harkness,” the American said, “and this is Ianto Jones. We’re here to help you.”

Something seemed odd about Harkness-he recognised that coat from Muggle Studies. It looked like it was from the 1940s, but it couldn’t be. It was 1979, so why was he dressed like a soldier from the Second Great Muggle War? “Where’s Remus? Why do I need your help?”

“Who’s Remus?” the other man-Ianto? Odd name, Sirius thought, but, really, who was he to complain?- asked. His accent was thicker than Remus’s and Sirius felt his heart skip a little beat before quickening its pace.

“My boy-” he paused for a moment to clear his throught and gripped his wand a little tighter. “My friend. I was just with him. Where is he? What have you lot done with him?” He didn’t want to mention the fact that it was a full moon, didn’t want to think of the danger they were in if Moony was somewhere in the area and they didn’t know about the werewolf.

“When?” Harkness asked, stepping closer with a frown on his face. The eyes that met Sirius’s looked far too old to be set in such a young looking face

Sirius felt his arm lowering as he stared back at Harkness, and raiesed it again. He blinked, pointing his wand the American’s chest. “Just now. Where is he? What’s going on?”

“What year? I need to know what year.”

Sirius saw the other man pull something shiny and metal from his belt. He swung his wand towards him and caught a metallic glint in the moonlight as Harkness pulled his own weapon and trained it on Sirius.

Damn. What was it with Americans and guns? “This year.”

“Which is?”

Sirius gaped at him. He had to be joking. “1979! Are you thick or something?”

Harkness’s eyes widened and he shot another look at Jones. Sirius caught the confused look that passed across his face and his hands started to shake. Something strange was going on. Why were they so surprised? It wasn’t like everyone just walked around not knowing what bloody year it was, was it?

“You’re going to have to come with us,” the American said and stepped closer, one hand reaching out to Sirius. “Could you lower you weapon, please? We’re not going to hurt you. We just want to make sure you’re all right.”

“Tell me what you’ve done with Remus first,” Sirius said, wincing as his voice cracked. He didn’t need to let them see his weaknesses, to give them something they could use against him.

“No doubt he’s safe back in 1979.”

Sirius let his wand fall a fraction of a centimetre. What the hell.... “What do you mean ‘back in 1979’? I just saw him! It’s still 1979!”

“There’s a Rift in space and time running straight through Cardiff,” the American said, one eyebrow rising and head tipping to the side. “It brought you here.”

Sirius vaguely wondered why he wasn’t as surprised as he should be by that. Only in bloody Cardiff.... But just to make sure, he asked, “Where’s ‘here,’ then?”

“Cardiff. 2008,” Harkness said matter-of-factly, meeting Sirius’s eyes once more. His face was set, but there was something almost apologetic in his eyes. For some reason, Sirius believed him.

“How is that possible?” he said and let his wand fall to his side. No point in resisting if this was some silly dream. Or if he was going mad. And he really didn’t want to get shot-it always looked so painful in Muggle films.

“It’s...complicated,” Jones said and Sirius turned to him with a glare. He was holding that shiny little box in one hand while he pointed a handgun of his own at Sirius with his right. Maybe not just Americans then. “If you’ll come with us we can explain it to you. Maybe help you locate Remus if you’d like.”

Sirius studied him as the man smiled in what he thought must have been reassurance, though he didn’t lower his gun. Even if he didn’t believe what they were saying, Sirius didn’t like his chances; it was two against one, even if the men did have Muggle weapons. He didn’t think he could react quickly enough if one of them decidied to pull the trigger.

“Why should I trust you?” he asked, eyeing them sceptically.

“We can help you get home,” Harkness said. Something in his voice made Sirius doubt that he was telling the truth, but if he really was in the future, maybe they could tell him what happened to Voldemort and the Order. If they succeeded or what he could change if they hadn’t when-if-he got back.

“Fine,” he said and looked between them. “Just answer me one thing.”

“Sure,” the American said and smiled tightly.

“Who are you?” Sirius asked, meeting his eyes.

Harkness grinned-a real one this time that made Sirius nervous with its intensity-and looked at Jones, who returned his smile as he holstered his gun. Turning to Sirius, they said, in unison, “Torchwood."

Part II

sirius100, hp:remus/sirius, 100_colours, crossover, 50scenes, series:crossover:bloody torchwood, tw:jack/ianto

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