Title: Snapshots (5/5)
noscrubs12345 Prompt: 25--Imprint
Word Count: 888
Series Rating: R
Summary: What if everything had been different? What if Sirius had never gone to Azkaban? What if Harry had a normal childhood with two wizards who love like their own instead of living with the Dursleys? Ten years, five "snapshots" of a utopian alternate universe.
Warnings: AU; slash
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Notes: Betaed by
hydraspit . Epilogue to follow.
Missed the beginning?:
Part I--1981 Part II--1983 Part III--1985 Part IV--1987 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Do you want something to eat?” Sirius asked, the apron Remus’ mum got him two Christmases ago slung loosely around his hips.
Remus, Harry’s head resting on his stomach, glared at him. “I’m not hungry.”
“What about you, Harry?”
The boy moaned and turned his back to Sirius, accidentally elbowing Remus in the side in the process.
“Fine,” Sirius said, “more for me then.” He crossed the room and sat down on the bed next to them. To Remus he said, “I’m sorry you were sick for Christmas.”
Remus sighed and coughed. “At least it wasn’t a full moon this time. Harry, please don’t wipe your nose on me.”
“Sorry,” Harry said through a horribly stuffy nose, “but I can’t help it.”
Sirius plucked a few tissues from the box on the bedside table and offered them to his godson. “Here, blow your nose.”
Harry reluctantly took the tissues and nosily blew his nose. Sirius winced at the decidedly wet sound and tried not to cringe when Harry handed the tissues back to him.
“Thanks, Harry,” he said, holding them at arms length. “It’s just what I always wanted.”
Harry smiled weakly and snuggled close to Remus as Sirius strode to the bathroom to throw them away. Remus wrapped an arm around him and Harry shifted to lay his head on the werewolf’s shoulder. The sound of water running and the clatter of the soap dish drifted from the bathroom and Remus sighed.
“I don’t feel well,” Harry said. “I’m sorry I gave you my cold.”
Remus patted his back. “Don’t worry about it, Harry. It’s not your fault.”
Harry shifted to wipe his nose with his shirtsleeve. “Why’s Padfoot not sick?”
“Because I’m lucky, that’s why,” Sirius said from the doorway, one arm propped against the frame.
Harry muttered something and Remus laughed. Sirius grinned and crossed the room, tickling Harry when he climbed back onto the bed.
“Why don’t you go take a bath and put your pyjamas on?” Sirius said to him. “I need to have a chat with Moony.”
Harry groaned. “I don’t want a bath.”
“It’s either a bath or more of that yucky medicine you like so much. Take it or leave it,” Sirius said.
Harry grimaced and clambered off the bed. “Can I put some bubble bath in?”
“If you don’t use too much like last time,” Sirius said and ruffled the boy’s hair.
Harry grinned impishly despite his cold and left the room with a loud sniffle.
Once sure Harry was out of earshot, Sirius said, “I swear he’s got something against tissues.”
Remus chuckled and sat up. “Didn’t you when you were his age?”
“Of course not,” Sirius said. “That bitch who called herself my mother made sure I used them. Did you?”
“While you were taking piano lessons, I was making mud pies in my mum’s garden. Of course I hated them.”
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus and leaned back against the headboard. He kissed his cheek and gently nuzzled it. “I didn’t start piano until third year, you know that.”
Remus smiled warily. “I know. You did it because you wanted to impress some Hufflepuff and you were shite at it for a while, too.”
“Moony!” Sirius laughed. “You weren’t exactly Mozart either.”
“I said for a while, love,” Remus turned his head and coughed. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
Sirius rested his chin on Remus’ shoulder and stared at their reflections in the mirror above the dresser.
“I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere warm once you and Harry feel a little better. It’s freezing here and Padfoot hates it when he thinks icicles are going to form on his whiskers.”
Remus smiled wanly. “The holidays are almost over though. Harry has to go to school and you’ve got work.”
Sirius tightened his hold on him. “Why do you always protest when I want to take you somewhere?”
“Because travelling invariably costs money,” Remus said with a sigh.
“But I like spending money on you and Harry.”
“And then I feel guilty because it’s your money you use and not ours.”
Sirius sighed and laid down, pulling Remus with him. “Well, what else is there to do with all that inheritance just sitting in Gringotts? Besides, a change of scenery would be nice. I’m thinking Bermuda. What about you?” He ran a hand through Remus’ hair and chastely kissed him
Remus sighed contentedly. “That’s fine with me.”
Sirius’ grin was electric. “Thanks, Moony. We’ll tell Harry in the morning and then you’re both downing some Pepper-Up whether you like it or not.”
Remus scooted closer to Sirius and draped an arm across the man’s side. “How long have you been planning this exactly?”
Sirius smiled and kissed the top of Remus’ head. “A few days; the twenty-third is probably when I thought of Bermuda. We haven’t taken Harry anywhere in a while, and, well, it’s just so damn cold outside. Moony, I-“
“Sirius, you’re rambling,” Remus said, silencing with a kiss.
Sirius smiled. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Remus whispered and laid his head against Sirius’ chest. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Moony,” Sirius said, tenderly trailing a hand down Remus’ back.
Sirius felt Remus smile against his chest. “Good,” Remus said, his voice muffled. “Now hand me a tissue.”