Title: hold onto love (it'll bring you home) (2/10+epilogue)
noscrubs12345100_colours Prompt: Golden
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: spoilers through Children of Earth; major flangst and angst
Summary: What if things had gone differently in London? What if Jack and Ianto traded Torchwood for a quite little cottage by the sea? But what if things aren't as they seem?
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: This is not a fix-it fic. I blame the plot bunnies for this--the idea wouldn't leave me alone until I had it written. Title taken from "Love Heals" from RENT.
Missed the beginning?:
Part I ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The first morning in their new home, Jack watches Ianto sleep as the dawn blooms. He loves the way the warm light spills over his lover’s skin, lending him an almost god-like glow. But, Jack thinks, the man slumbering beside him is more beautiful than anything ever to descend Olympus. Surely the gods, in their envy, would steal from him this beautiful man he doesn’t quite deserve but couldn’t live without?
The light flirts with the sheets and, in turn, Ianto’s skin, giving him a golden glow in the morning light. Jack’s breath catches and he can do nothing but kiss pale pink lips, adorable button nose, dark eyebrows, cheeks wonderfully scratchy with yesterday’s stubble, before kissing his lips once, twice more. He chuckles softly as Ianto turns into him, mumbling dreamish nonsense as his left hand grasps in vain for his right. Jack takes his hand and leans down for another gentle kiss.
He smiles when Ianto sighs contentedly, stealing just one more kiss, and settles carefully under the blankets so as not to disturb his lover. He rests his head against Ianto’s chest, the beat of his heart both lullaby and reminder of what hasn’t yet been lost.
Part III