DC's long awaited Blackest Night storyline is about to kick off.
To make reading the event more enjoyable, try the
Blackest Night 'Drinking' Game.
First, you'll need to buy lots of
Smarties, or their cheapo-equivalent from your local Pick 'n' mix. Lots of them.
Sort them out into different colours.
For every Green Lantern that appears on the page, eat a green smartie
For every Orange Lantern that appears on the page, eat an orange smartie
For every Blue Lantern that appears on the page, eat a blue smartie
For every Red Lantern that appears on the page, eat a Red smartie. Then spit it in somebody's face
For every Sinestro Corps member that appears on the page, eat a yellow smartie
For every Star Sapphire that appears on the page, eat a pink smartie
For every Indigo Lantern that appears on the page, eat a purply smartie
For every Black Lantern that appears on the page, eat a
Take a note of the body count in the issue. Once you finish reading, eat that many Minstrels.
If the Anti-Monitor shows up, have a Kit Kat Chunky or something.
Get fat.
For example, if you take the cover for
Sinestro Corps Vol.1, that's five green smarties and one yellow smartie.