Title: Quiet in Drowning
Fandom: Wilby Wonderful
Characters: Duck, Buddy, OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Length: 8,495 words
Author's Notes: Many thanks to
secretlybronte and
isiscolo for hanging tough and completing a very difficult beta. You're all troopers, and I promise to send you something warm and fluffy next time.
Warnings: This story contains graphic, violent and
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Comments 47
Thanks so much for sharing
Thank you for your feedback!
They always seemed friendly enough, and yet they had NOTHING in common, which is why Duck coming to Buddy to ask him about the publishing of the names in The Sentinel always seemed a bit off. Heh, yes, I know exactly what you mean! And I'm glad that "Buddy does what works for Buddy" - I don't want to go so far as to suggest he's an opportunist in the same way Tommy is, but he probably had a large degree of elitism breed into him at an early age, and I think that greatly affected how he sees the world and his role in it. He's an interesting character, and Gross gave such a layered performance that you can see a lot of these different elements at play. *hearts Paul Gross ( ... )
Wow, this must have hurt more to write than it does to read.
It was quite a process, I don't mind telling you. And the worst part was trying to decide if I should even post it. Despite all apperances to the contrary, I really don't like upsetting people, and I know Wilby fic is, for many fans, a place of comfort and security. I'm going to have to make it up to folks with a great Duck/Dan snippet, I think.
You know what really pissed me off? When Tommy pushed Duck into his painting and ruined it.
Heh, me too! That BASTARD! Thank you so much for your comments, akite! I'm glad you liked the story!
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