A bit of ds_match-related naval gazing

Nov 22, 2007 18:39

I'd put this post together before all the teaching-related meltdowns sent me scurrying into seclusion. I'm going to spam later tonight with more fannish content, and I'm just now trying to get caught up on emails and comments. Sorry for the delay on this. It's been the very definition of a shitty week.Well, dS Match is at an end, and Team Angst ( Read more... )

writing stuff, ds meta

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Comments 24

meresy November 23 2007, 00:42:02 UTC
It's been the very definition of a shitty week.

Nos! *smish* You are allowed to skive of the LJs in favour of dealing with the Real Life. After all, your students are mutants!

I like your notes on the fic. And yes, there was some melodrama going on, but it was some damn finely-written melodrama! The rip-your-heart-out kind, not the rolling-my-eyes-forever kind. I'll agree with your betas that making the cause a Ray/Ray thing would have pushed it a little to far (with me, at least.) I don't generally like to expose my biases, lest I show my ass with them, but I probably would have resented that. (I'd still lu.)

I still love the awful thing. And I mean awful in the struck-blind "ow, my soul" way. It's breaktacular.

(P.S. I didn't guess it was you because . . . I knew it was you. Knowing too much FTW!)


Also: I like your vision of the future. CWD shall prevail!


meresy November 23 2007, 01:17:10 UTC
P.P.S: Lovely weather we're having, eh? I kind of hate slush with a passion . . .


nos4a2no9 November 23 2007, 15:07:17 UTC
(P.S. I didn't guess it was you because . . . I knew it was you. Knowing too much FTW!)

You totally knew too much! And I think you saw every single one of the "ooops, forgot to f-lock!" Team Angst posts. Which kinda makes you an honorary member! *pins a medal on you* But thanks for your feedback about this - I'm glad it was angsty but not too melodramatic. And yes! Horrible weather. Slush is way worse than snow. *grumbles*


slidellra November 23 2007, 01:12:49 UTC
I don't know how you can be in any way dismissive of your writing when passages like this

Years from now, on a warm, sunny day in Texas (which will have been absorbed by Canada in the aftermath of the 2037 War of Geographical Impossibility), [info]slidellra and I will be sitting upon her fabulous porch in our rocking-chairs. I will turn to her and say, in my creaky old voice, "Hey, 'member the time we beat the pants off you in that fanfic contest?" To which she will reply, "NOOOOO!" And then she'll pull on my silvery-white hair, scratch my wrinkly old cheek, and push me into a swimming pool.

bring me so much joy. *gives you a gold star*


nos4a2no9 November 23 2007, 15:07:47 UTC
Awww, well, I think you're being too kind. You just like the notion of old women having catfights and pushing each other into swimming pools :-)


ignazwisdom November 23 2007, 05:45:47 UTC
Dude. No. That story was WONDERFUL, and it never once went over the top or into melodrama. And I did guess that it might be yours, because of the descriptions of the north (including the Carrier culture and the landscape), but by that point I'd given up on making guesses for multiple reasons, some of which are entirely neurotic and stupid, and ask me to elaborate sometime on AIM or something.


nos4a2no9 November 23 2007, 15:09:21 UTC
Well, thanks! It's kinda neat that you had some inkling - I had no idea which fic was yours (I think I wrongly attributed another story to you instead) but, yes, descriptions of the north seem to be my bag. I need to write something set it, I dunno, Cincinnati or something. (And wow, I cannot spell that).


bluebrocade November 23 2007, 07:42:59 UTC
The story was initially a fic about Fraser coming to terms with Ray Kowalski and Ray Vecchio hooking up in Chicago...I still want to write that story;

I hope you do. That sounds fascinating.

(Not that I didn't enjoy 'Wind'. I did. It made me bawl my eyes out like so many of Team Evil's Angst's fics.)


nos4a2no9 November 23 2007, 15:09:59 UTC
Blue! I'm so happy we made you cry! :-) And yes, the Ray/Ray-aftermath story would be pretty interesting, I think. Poor Fraser. *hugs him*


catwalksalone November 23 2007, 08:57:47 UTC
*sniffs at not being one of the cool kids*


I love that people were able to interpret your amazing fic in different ways - I think that's not a sign of bad writing but of writing ambiguous well and that's not easy to do. Plus, where's the meta fun if everyone thinks the same thing about something?

I'm also glad that you didn't make it about the Ray/Ray aftermath. The interesting thing is that when I got to the bit about finding the Carrier woman I immediately flashed to my Lost and Found 'verse because of the circumstances in which Fraser met Maatu and even though it wasn't the same, and you wrote it better than I ever could, it made me feel the fic belonged to me a little bit? And that made me think it was you. Which is weird, but there we go.

Also - the idea of slidellra pushing old!nos into a swimming pool makes me giggle a lot.

Here's to a much, much better week next week. Perhaps the threat of random decimation will help your students behave?


nos4a2no9 November 23 2007, 15:15:32 UTC
Cat! I'm so sorry! You are totally one of the cool kids, and I went ahead and added a link to your meta about the challenge (which, uh, I didn't see. But we'll pretend that didn't happen :-)

And yes! I was totally thinking about your fic with Maatu and how her relationship with Fraser came about. I like your version better because it was, after all, part of a whole 'verse, and Maatu has a whole purpose and identity in the story unlike my poor mute Wendy, but yes, definitely, it's a good thread to pick up on. That was definitely a nod to your LaF 'verse!

And poor old!Nos can't catch a break. That dastardly slidellra is everwhere.


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