Title: Ode to the Western Wind
Fandom: due South
Pairings: Fraser/RayK
Rating: G
Word Count: 930
Summary: Part three of a five-part series. This ain’t wingfic, kiddos. Just my attempt to fuse the classic Wim Wenders’ film
Der Himmel über Berlin with the world of due South.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to my lovely betas
vienna_waits and
debris_k, who gave me the idea
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Comments 14
Because, if I were an English professor, and I was reading about Ray's belief in all he'll have, and if I knew about stories and how they go sometimes, I'd have this tight wire of fear around me, and I swear I'm crossing my fingers, because Oh Ray!
*hopes hopes hopes*
Or maybe there's a very sad installment coming up. I'm just sayin'. :-)
“I’ll see you soon - maybe tonight,” Ray tells the Mountie, even though there is no “soon” for an angel; there is only “always” and “forever.” The man pauses as he shines a button on his tunic. He does not smile (he never smiles, not really) but he says to the wolf, “I think it will be a very fine day, Diefenbaker.”
YES, I hope so!!
*hugs* Thanks for the feedback!
The next time we're in the same place, I'm going to fangirl you mercilessly. Fair warning.
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