Title: Troubled Waters
Rating: PG, Gen
Summary: In northwestern Washington, Sam and Dean run into a cult, missing people, plagues, some really humid weather, and possessed trees.
Disclaimer: As usual, I don’t own anything. The geography in this story is fairly accurate; everything else is fiction. Oh, and apologies to William Butler Yeats.
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Comments 10
Great ending! I was wondering how you'd tie it all up. Gotta say that I almost choked when Sam started thinking about the Whomping Willow in the last chapter.
Really well done, even the argument between them. There's always going to be friction, it's normal for them and you did a great job of showing that.
Dang, no more. Crap, I'm gonna be bummed now.
Am I trying to get you to write more? Darn..you see through my plot!!
Anyway, really enjoyed the ride. Thanks for sharing.
Saw three film sets this morning on the way to work... apparently one of them was SPN! Of course, all I saw was the big white trucks. Perhaps tomorrow morning, I can persuade the bus driver to detour down random streets to access blocked-off alleys in which filming is occuring.
Nice use of poetry at the end.
*sigh* the boys dodge another chick-flick moment!
Poetry?! That's terrifying! But thanks! And the lack of a chick-flick moment... don't blame me, blame Dean. *grin*
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