Title: Troubled Waters
Rating: PG, Gen
Summary: In northwestern Washington, Sam and Dean run into a cult, missing people, plagues, some really humid weather, and possessed trees.
Disclaimer: As usual, I don’t own anything. The geography in this story is fairly accurate; everything else is fiction. Oh, and apologies to William Butler Yeats.
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Comments 6
Liked the image of Dean riding the womping willow.
Very much enjoying the rising Winchester tension, they just have so many issues -one could fic forever and never exhauste them!
And jeez, I don't see how the boys manage to have even the most casual of conversations about anything without yelling ensuing, because almost everything could trigger a memory about their many and various issues.
That's because when Winchester men (well John and Dean) get really mad they don't yell, they get quiet and dangerous, all growly like angry wolves. The yelling is when they are not quite angry or when they are getting over being angry. When they are mad they glower and hurt things, and since there is no way Dean is going to hurt Sam, he 1.doesn't let himself get good and mad, and 2. makes sure there is a steady stream of things he can hurt, so Dean gets over it by hunting and Sam who does yell and also sulks gets his release that way and so they never actually deal with anything. :)
And yes, nearly done. It's almost 28,000 words--which is quite enough, thanks. If I'd had my way, it'd have been "Island suffers plagues due to crazy cult leader and possessed tree. People disappear. Sam and Dean exorcise tree. The end." but somehow, the idea wouldn't let me alone.
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