Title: Collecting Fallout From the Blast Author: northatlanticPairing(s)/Characters: Gen. Kirk-centric, James and introducing the infamous Man with Only A Name, Tiberius Kirk. Special guest shot from McCoy at the end
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Heartbreakingly beautiful. I don't often cry when reading fanfic, but I did when I read this.
(Small thing but it stuck with me: I'm so grateful you sent Jim to college. It's something I haven't read before, and it makes perfect, absolute sense. And of course, Jim would have gone to a good college.)
aww, thank you! crying is...good? it's not good! but aw jeez.
And I just don't buy Jim as a drifter and a dropout for four years. He's got too much to prove, to himself and everybody else. I absolutely believe he went to college, and paid for it with those smarts too.
Bugger bugger bugger bugger. My head nearly exploded at several points. D: Tiberius is one of the coolest people ever, as you write him, holy God, seriously.
Well, I'm crying now. Now I'm going to get a migraine. xP Damn it. Worth it though.
That's about all that my brain can come up with at the moment, to be honest. Aaaarghhhh. Wiiiiin.
oh no, there was only supposed to be manpain, not ACTUAL pain! but that might be one of the best comments I've ever had, being worth a migraine. Thank you! (hope you feel better :x)
thank you! I was a little worried, since I was basically inventing him from whole cloth, that people would think "wtf, really, what is this!" It's really great to hear that he fit, worked enough that he felt like a real part of this universe.
in re: icons I'm definitely undersupplied, I tell you what, if I'm writing Kirk-centric fiction. I need to go through that embarrassment of screencaps from Leigh and fix that. Thanks, J, for being the guinea pig for some of this.
thank you--I kept wondering, in this universe, at how alone Jim seemed (I know, partially editing to keep an ENORMOUS story under control) but since neither George nor Winona is an orphan in canon, there pretty much had to be other people who shaped Jim growing up. I'm just glad that my vision of who that would have been strikes a chord :)
Comments 116
(Small thing but it stuck with me: I'm so grateful you sent Jim to college. It's something I haven't read before, and it makes perfect, absolute sense. And of course, Jim would have gone to a good college.)
And I just don't buy Jim as a drifter and a dropout for four years. He's got too much to prove, to himself and everybody else. I absolutely believe he went to college, and paid for it with those smarts too.
Well, I'm crying now. Now I'm going to get a migraine. xP Damn it. Worth it though.
That's about all that my brain can come up with at the moment, to be honest. Aaaarghhhh. Wiiiiin.
This turned out lovely. I love the ending!
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