Norsekink Friending Meme pt 2!

Jun 11, 2012 15:07

welcome to the...

The Norsekink Friending Meme

There are a lot of awesome people on the meme and everyone should get to know each other a little better; it's always fun to meet new people with similar interests, right? :) If you've come here and want to make some new friends, please copy and paste the form below and fill out. Enjoy!

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mod post, friending meme

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Comments 275

equal_to_k June 12 2012, 00:48:22 UTC
►about YOU

○ name: K

○ age: 19, but very nearly 20

○ location: Brisbane, Aus

○ interests/hobbies: Reading, my art and movies

○ one interesting thing about you: I'm not actually a red-head (yay hair colour), but I wish I was

►about FANDOM

○ favourite fandoms: Thor, Avengers, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Pirates of the Caribbean, Merlin, Sherlock (also Doctor Who, How to Train Your Dragon, Chronicles of Narnia)

○ favourite ships: Tony/Bruce science!bros at the moment, but I love me a good bromance in any fandom

○ favourite characters: Loki, James Norrington, Toothless, more Loki, Merlin, Jack Sparrow, Bilbo Baggins, Aragon...there are more

○ rps involved in, if any: nope. nada. none.

►about your LJ

○ journal username: equal_to_k

○ what you normally post: Fic, some art, occassional real-life stuff

○ friends only?: no



derpcepticon June 12 2012, 17:49:25 UTC


equal_to_k June 12 2012, 21:13:49 UTC


meinterrupted June 13 2012, 03:12:56 UTC
I'm not actually a red-head (yay hair colour), but I wish I was

Me too! My baby sis is studying cosmotology, and does mine for free; so awesome.

(Also, added you. :)


konishi_zen June 12 2012, 00:48:23 UTC
►about YOU

○ name: Hel

○ age: 33 and I make all the jokes pertaining to that age too.

○ location: Divide my time between Edmonton and Northeastern China. Before, it was divide my time between Northern Quebec and Edmonton.

○ interests/hobbies: DIY crafts (I couldn't find Thor or Loki plushies, made my own. Made my own "I do what I want" shirt and my own stickers) reading (historical, urban fantasy, magical realism, Scandinavian mystery, legends) writing, drawing, hiking, traveling,football, hockey and finding new music and movies.

○ one interesting thing about you: Sixteen tattoos and counting. I have worked abroad more than I have worked at home.

►about FANDOM

○ favourite fandoms: I tend to be a serial monogamist when it comes to fandom. Right now, I'm in a polyamorous relationship with Marvle, Thor and Sports (Hockey and European Football) RPS

○ favourite ships: Uh...Thor/Loki, Thor/Steve, Steve/Iron Man, Darcy/Steve, Darcy/Stark (Has that even BEEN written?) and genderswitched Thor/with Steve or Loki

○ favourite characters: Thor ( ... )


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konishi_zen June 12 2012, 15:36:27 UTC
I found that out the hard way. Not the same sugary caffeine kick I needed in the morning. Heh. Not buying that again.

Yeah, it's something else, living here. I'm pretty close to Inner Mongolia and Russia and no, it's not overstepping at all! I teach at an international school here and I love it! I do Social Studies and English, so it's great for me.

I was lucky that with two older brothers, I got exposed to the sports. I wasn't born in North America and was taken to football matches and hockey games, so I was fortunate to develop a passion for them!

It's never too late to start! :D!


derpcepticon June 12 2012, 17:49:54 UTC
Added you! Yay for plushies!


lilyginny27 June 12 2012, 00:49:34 UTC
►about YOU

○ name: Denise Lily Ginny / Nerhe

○ age: ever so much more than 20

○ location: North Midwest U.S.

○ interests/hobbies: reading, movies, sewing, more reading

○ one interesting thing about you:
It seems most of my family has the same name; to counter this and keep everyone straight, we call each other by how we're related. There's Brother Jason, Cousin Jason, Jessi's Jason, Sister Jessi, Cousin Jessi, The Other Sister Jessi, etc... It confuses everyone else, but we all know who we're talking about.

►about FANDOM

○ favourite fandoms: Merlin, Avengers (Thor, Iron Man, Captain America), Harry Potter

○ favourite ships: Right now I'm reading practically every pairing in Avengers, Merlin/Arthur, Harry/Draco

○ favourite characters: All that are tall, blonde and built, or tall and skinny with black hair.

○ rps involved in, if any: Some Colin Morgan/Bradley James, but that's it.

►about your LJ

○ journal username: lilyginny27

○ what you normally post: Right now I'm focusing on the 100 Things Challenge, otherwise random family/ ( ... )


meinterrupted June 13 2012, 03:16:08 UTC
Added. Midwest love! And there's three Carrie/Cari/Karis in my group of friends--we're numbered. I'm #3. :P


lilyginny27 June 13 2012, 03:21:36 UTC
LOL! There must be something in the Midwest water where everyone feels the need to name their kids the same thing.

Three is the magic number.



ileranerak June 13 2012, 07:59:51 UTC
It also happens in my family: all of my aunts from my father's side of the family have "Maria" as their first name (they are like...6, my aunts... ). Thank God they all have a second name, so there's no confusion. But my father & brother have the exact same name.


derpcepticon June 12 2012, 01:10:16 UTC
►about YOU

○ name: Space

○ age: 25

○ location: The moon :3

○ interests/hobbies: sewing, reading, movies

○ one interesting thing about you: I'm a plush maker!

►about FANDOM

○ favourite fandoms: Doctor Who, Avengers, Sherlock, Star Trek, My Little Pony, Pokemon, Supernatural, X-Files, Alien, District 9

○ favourite ships: Oooh...too many to name really. ^^;

○ favourite characters: Deadpool, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Loki, The Doctor, Kirk, Spock, Applejack, Soundwave, Christopher Johnson, Xenomorph...lots of others!

○ rps involved in, if any: none

►about your LJ

○ journal username: derpcepticon

○ what you normally post: I mostly post work in progress pics of my plushies, finished plushies, and rants. LJ is where I vent.

○ friends only?: yes

○ THINK FAST: Live long and prosper!


ileranerak June 13 2012, 08:04:04 UTC
plush maker? that's really cool. Have you made any Avengers related plushies? If I had a Loki plush, I would totally sleep with it :D ...
Also: Peter Parker, Deadpool? *admires* :D


derpcepticon June 13 2012, 12:03:18 UTC
Yep, sure have! I actually just started making Avengers plushies. So far I've made Steve and Loki. Here they are!

... )


ileranerak June 14 2012, 00:04:30 UTC
Definitely following you now on DA. The quality is amazing! And the detail you give each one.


HI GUYS. HI GUYS. REMEMBER ME? HI GUYS. mozzarellaroses June 12 2012, 01:15:57 UTC
►about YOU

○ name: Motzie (The reason Mozzarella is an overused joke that still works.

○ age: Barely legal. No, I kid. Just turned legal last April. 18 and proud ;)

○ location: Quezon City, The Philippines. Manila, The Philippines from Mondays to Fridays.

○ interests/hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, reading all the comics and watching all the interesting series and movies. I also enjoy having the power to judge people for their literary prowess (MWAHAHAH...ehem, what I mean is, I'm a literary editor at our college newspaper)

○ one interesting thing about you: I got paid to write porn at 15? :D You can find it on somewhere. And I'm sort of writing two novels right now, one of which is almost done.

►about FANDOM

○ favourite fandoms: Marvel in general ;) Specifically Avengers, Thor, Young Avengers, Dark Avengers, Daredevil, etc. I also love Supernatural, Grimm, Sherlock, Princess Tutu, OUAT, and DC TV shows. I have book fandoms but they're too many to count.

○ favourite ships: Here in Thor? Thor/Loki, Lady!Loki/ ( ... )


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Re: HI GUYS. HI GUYS. REMEMBER ME? HI GUYS. mozzarellaroses June 12 2012, 11:56:32 UTC
*hugs and caresses fellow Odin/Laufey shipper*
Because that's not, like, creepy at all.
:) *high five* being paid for porn is practically a coming of age thing now.

Thank you for saying I'm awesome.


Re: HI GUYS. HI GUYS. REMEMBER ME? HI GUYS. derpcepticon June 12 2012, 17:50:34 UTC
added :3


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