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M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round. NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that
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I'm very glad you approve!
Will they find Mummy?
Oh and Sherlock's sometimes hate towards Mycroft and how it mirrors Loki's eternal aggravation toward Thor. I love this!
What would Thor think if he found and recognized any of them????
(Will they find Mummy?)
Well, yes, but it might be that Mummy finds them. ;)
Hehe. Yes, yes it does. I'm glad you grabbed at that. It sort of becomes "key".
Oh, Thor...(evil giggles)
Irene... is their sister. Let me love you?
I can not. I just. I can not.
This is everything I wanted. I love this.
Oh god, and then Mummy comes back, madder than ever- and Mycroft watches the internal cameras, the smile as he takes a man's eye... and he connects that action with the break in miles away- he is definitely their Mummy.
AHHH! And now I have to wonder how old Irene is!
She could be decades older than the boys- and I really do wonder what might happen when the boys hit sexual maturity... <3 I just.
Marry me? /stops fangirling
No really though, I am loving your dialog and pacing. Fantastic job!
I'm very glad your enjoying it; I wasn't sure what I was going to do with Irene, but she just sort of demanded it. Waltzed in and stole the scene, leaving Sherlock a little lost and with more questions than answers and a desire to prove he is his Mummy's son.
I think that smile was a little proud, don't you? It could be Loki "haha, I'm taking a eye (for a eye?): getting one over Odin/taking knowledge" or, well, "you know who I am, you know where, and what - come and get/join me".
I put in a little clue to Irene's age. :P
Sexual maturity for demigods/half-Jotun..well, that's another story altogether, I think.
*hugs* Thank you for prompting this. :D
Excellent chapter
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