Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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Such Fickle Yearning (1/6) blood_songs90 April 29 2012, 14:17:56 UTC
I: LearningThere’s something about Loki ( ... )


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (1/6) godofanonymity April 29 2012, 15:22:07 UTC


Ok, so I haven't actually stopped grinning like a loon OR flailing. BUT MOSTLY BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU PROMISED IS COMING LATER.

My heart ACHES for them at this stage. I just. *squirms* They are so cute, and perfect, and innocent, and I want to take all of these beautiful little moments of pre-shithittingthefan, and hold onto them forever and ever.

I love it! ♥ ♥ ♥


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (1/6) blood_songs90 April 29 2012, 15:29:11 UTC

Oh yes, and EVEN MOAR stuff is coming.

I felt sad writing this, to be honest. I just. I wanted to squeeze them both. Oh, Loki. They were so happy. Things weren't entirely well and there was a storm brewing, but they were still happy.


I'm glad you love it so far, though! :DD


Such Fickle Yearning (2/6) blood_songs90 April 30 2012, 15:56:11 UTC
It’s Loki’s birthday, a glorious celebration in Asgard. Thor was looking to wish his beloved younger brother a fond birthday wish, but Loki’s all but vanished into thin air after the solemn ceremonies and the beginning of the feast ( ... )


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (2b/6) blood_songs90 April 30 2012, 15:56:51 UTC
There’s something of Loki in this enchanting young girl, but Thor finds he can’t bring himself to go through with… well. He’s never had a problem taking other ladies of the court to his bed before, and the occasional warrior on nights where he’d yearned for rougher play. Right now, Thor can’t look into her eyes without being reminded of Loki, that it’s not her he’s so drawn to, that the one he truly wants is ( ... )


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (2b/6) godofanonymity April 30 2012, 16:30:04 UTC

Ehehe, of course Lady!Loki has to be one of the illusions he falls for~ ASDFGHJKLJHGFDS, Loki, you are such a fucking tease. And Thor, you great big woobie, you. ♥ Also "on nights where he’d yearned for rougher play" hnnnnnnnnnnnguh. I do appreciate when Thor has been with women AND men before, and is not just Suddenly!Lokisexual.

I can't help but wonder if this is the first time Loki's done this to sneakily get his hands/lips/body all over Thor...or just the first time he's used a form similar enough to his own to trigger Thor's feels.



Re: Such Fickle Yearning (2b/6) blood_songs90 April 30 2012, 21:02:01 UTC
YOU KNOW IT. I couldn't resist. In this headcanon I imagined Thor to be discreet enough that Loki never found out about his liaisons with other men, and Loki feeling so resigned about it he decided to seduce him as a woman instead. ONLY HE WAS NEVER AWARE ABOUT THOR'S FEELINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Oh, Loki, you're so brilliant, but you can be so blind.

He is a bit of a woobie, isn't he? (laughs) I'll most probably be editing this for flow later if I'm reposting it on other archives, but I do see where he's coming from. OH, THE ANGST?!

To be fair, though, everyone should be Lokisexual. (chuckles)

Hee, up to your own interpretation? My own headcanon follows that this is the first time Loki's mustered any sort of courage to approach Thor, in any form. BUT UM REALLY THOUGH GEE THOR did you not realise you found a pale, slender, dark-haired, green-eyed maiden LOVELY, what even, you're not as thick as Asgard makes you out to be but for shame, brother, for SHAME.



Such Fickle Yearning (3a/6) blood_songs90 April 30 2012, 21:36:09 UTC
III: SustainingThor dodges the bite of Loki’s spear and throws Loki against the wall of the ring, a savage turn. Stripped from the waist up, they’re familiar with the feel of each other’s skin now; in battle, and in bed ( ... )


Such Fickle Yearning (3b/6) blood_songs90 April 30 2012, 21:36:46 UTC
And so they pace, so they fight. They rain blows upon the other with bare fists and weapons, drawing blood and leaving blossoming marks they’ll both smirk companionably over in a few days at feasts. Sometimes, it feels as though Loki derives some kind of satisfaction from the blood he’s spilled, from the cuts he leaves on Thor, from the angry bruises they both sport whenever they’ve finished yet another round - but Thor doesn’t think too much of it ( ... )


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (3b/6) godofanonymity May 1 2012, 06:42:41 UTC

Ungh, I will never not love heavily UST!overtoned physical fighting. What is with you and pinpointing all my kinks/loves so well. I would ask you to get out of my head...but WHY THE FUCK WOULD I, WHEN YOU GO AND WRITE THINGS LIKE THIS?

Also. I see what you're doing there. Don't think I don't. Loki is not the only fucking tease in this. YOU KEEP STOPPING RIGHT BEFORE THE PORN. Evil, evil, wonderful woman. Hnnguh *the incoherent flailing and screaming continues*


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (3b/6) blood_songs90 May 1 2012, 07:55:55 UTC

No kidding?! That's another kink of mine too. Glorious. Just... glorious. D: Damn, son, I'll have to wonder if my plans for the last two points match your kinks as well.

Hee, I'm glad you're enjoying it though!

Also, expect more UST. (waggles eyebrows)


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (3b/6) blood_songs90 May 1 2012, 09:07:39 UTC
Also, where's the fun if the porn happens so early on :p


Re: Such Fickle Yearning (3b/6) godofanonymity May 1 2012, 15:29:14 UTC
Haha, and IDEK, you probably will pin them down...and even if not, I highly doubt I'll be disappointed.

Oh, I know. It builds the, ahem, tension. BUT STILL. *writhes* I can let my imagination follow along after, at least. Mmmhmm, yeah. Like that, Thor...


Such Fickle Yearning (4a/6) blood_songs90 May 1 2012, 16:22:04 UTC
“So, big day soon, brother mine ( ... )


Such Fickle Yearning (4b/6) blood_songs90 May 1 2012, 16:24:28 UTC
Thor’s cheeks flush hotly. It is true - for all that Thor is a skilled warrior, second to none but the most seasoned of war gods, he really should have known better than to be fooled by the same tactic again and again.

“Shut up,” he mumbles a little, mortified.

Loki is still snickering.

Taking advantage of Loki’s distraction, Thor lunges and pulls at Loki’s arm. Loki cries out in surprise, and they both lose their balance and crash down together in a pile of awkward limbs and helpless laughter. The dark sea-green of the waves around them paints a pretty picture behind Loki’s disgruntled face above him, black tendrils of hair plastered to his cheeks.

He is suddenly reminded of a great wet cat, and Thor cannot stop laughing.

Loki narrows his eyes and pulls his lips into a pout.

“Are you going to sulk, brother?” Thor’s tone is teasing, and he gently pulls Loki down against his bare chest. It feels good, Loki’s wet limbs against his, even through the thin layer of his brother’s robes ( ... )


Such Fickle Yearning (4c/6) blood_songs90 May 1 2012, 16:24:57 UTC
He can never really predict what Loki wants when they tumble. Loki likes to tease Thor, occasionally, biting Thor’s neck and pulling him to the edge and back again for what feels like hours until he deigns to grant Thor his release. Sometimes, he storms into Thor’s chambers to wake him in the dead of night, having already prepared himself vigorously with oil, and pumps Thor to hardness quickly before he rides him, and rides him hard. Other times he binds Thor with chains so he is at Loki’s mercy, where Loki mouths at Thor’s cock and hole before taking Thor from the front and pounding ruthlessly into him until he cries out Loki’s name ( ... )


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