Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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Comments 5301

Gen, Loki's Song lokisbrood May 2 2013, 05:58:14 UTC
I need something about Loki and the following song:

Does he get drunk and sing it as a drinking song in Asgard, and makes everyone cry for him? Does he die and become a banshee-like ghost? Maybe when he sings it his hair turns into fire and the wind howls. Maybe he sings it at some normal Earth bar and he's so loud and awe-inspiring that the whole place just explodes, like when Istar dances in The Sandman. Whatever, man, just go for it!


Re: Gen, Loki's Song kiki564 May 2 2013, 14:52:30 UTC
Seconded! The song is really cool.


OP lokisbrood May 2 2013, 22:10:18 UTC
Isn't it just?

I'm sure Loki would be really amazed that someone wrote him his own song.


Gen, Scars anonymous May 2 2013, 06:08:55 UTC
It's popular in this fandom to say that Loki's mind remembers all the cycles. But what if his body does, too? So when they take his magic away, he's practically one big scar--eyes eaten by venom, lips shredded from all the sewing, scarred-over death wounds all down his front, stretch marks from dozens of pregnencies, missing fingers or toes or teeth, venom-tracks all down his face like tears . . . and now they have to figure out how to fix him.

*Bonus: His body remembers, but his mind locked all the trauma away and they have no clue where all these scars came from until someone who knows the mythos is all like "So that's why they could describe Ragnarok so well, it's already happened!"


Re: Gen, Scars anonymous May 2 2013, 06:52:56 UTC
That's deliciously fucked up and I want this!


Re: Gen, Scars anonymous May 2 2013, 10:49:26 UTC
+ 1

I believe most bodies would look gruesome after some cycles though. What if he lost more than one or two major limbs?


OP Here anonymous May 2 2013, 11:28:37 UTC
Reattachment scars, maybe? Big thick nasty scars going all the way around a bicep or his neck or whatever?


Loki + Odin Gen - 5 Times Loki Pranked Odin anonymous May 2 2013, 07:30:30 UTC
And 1 time Odin pranked Loki


Re: Loki + Odin Gen - 5 Times Loki Pranked Odin anonymous May 2 2013, 09:20:50 UTC


Re: Loki + Odin Gen - 5 Times Loki Pranked Odin anonymous May 8 2013, 03:14:14 UTC
Oooooooh. Fun.

Ah, question, hopefully OK to ask -- are you thinking strictly MCU or any of the fandom options?


Re: Loki + Odin Gen - 5 Times Loki Pranked Odin anonymous May 8 2013, 10:40:34 UTC
OP: Anything is good :D


Loki/Thor, Loki being a dick, dubcon-ish, incest anonymous May 2 2013, 08:26:09 UTC
When Thor goes to ask for Loki's help, Loki does not give it quite so readily. Half-sarcastically, he tells Thor that at this point the only thing that would pursuade him to help would be if Thor bent over for him first.

Thing is, Thor is very desparate, enough to take Loki up on his word. Loki insists on Thor following through with his part, just as a way to hurt and humiliate him.

-hair pulling
-excessively rough sex and dirty talk to degrade Thor.
-Loki never intended Thor to agree, and finds the whole thing just as squicky as Thor does. Because he still considers Thor his brother.

-Alternatively, this has always been a secret fantasy of Lokis. Or...
- Thor's always been attracted to Loki, but he doesn't enjoy the sex at all because its physically painful and/or he wanted sex with him to be loving and mutal


[Crossover - Harry Potter], Loki/Harry, Angst, H/C Mpreg (optional) anonymous May 2 2013, 10:27:27 UTC
Also prompted at avengerkink.

So: When Harry got all the deathly hallows he somehow got to know Loki's daughter - Hel and through her, Loki. They become friends. (This happens before the events of Thor).

After Loki falls in Thor Harry finds him in Midgard and they get together and Harry falls pregnant (difficult pregnancy) or if anon dislikes mpreg get ill of some sort. Loki's idea in the avengers (in this universe) was to use the Tesseract to heal Harry but the chitauri still happen so he's sent to Asgard with Thor as per the movie.

Then Harry gets worse (angst) but the other avengers found out about him somehow. Then Hel picks him up, transports him to Asgard and Loki makes it all better kinda fluffyness. Happy/hopeful ending please! (If anon wants to fill it that is:P)

TL;DR: Loki and Harry are together after Thor, Avengers still happen (because tesseract power was needed to heal Harry), now the aftermath.


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