Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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Fill: Strange Bedfellows 1/? anonymous July 16 2013, 01:32:09 UTC

Who in God's name had left this mess on his doorstep?

Victor von Doom had seen his share of the dead and nearly-dead, but they did not usually turn up of their own accord; typically, he knew exactly where they came from.

So what was this bloody bundle? A threat? A gift, perhaps, of a fallen enemy from a would-be ally?

Victor knelt to inspect the bundle of flesh and bone concealed by the bloody sheet, and he paled.


There was no mistaking the trickster god's face; sharp features, face even whiter than usual from - death? No. A cursory inspection revealed that his once-time ally still had a pulse.

A very faint pulse. And very faint breath.

What rang more alarm bells than anything in Victor's head was this: who was even capable of doing something like this to a god?

And why weren't Loki's wounds healing?

This was a threat, Victor decided. Definitely a threat. He looked up and scanned the horizon warily.

If someone's laid a trap for me, they chose piss-poor bait. As though I'd risk my neck for this one...But if ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 13/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:44:16 UTC
The briefest spark of mischief when Loki looked at Doom's world map, even before the mortifying incident where he had kissed him, was enough to keep Victor's hope alive ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 11/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:45:28 UTC
Trigger warning: it's about to start getting darker. More mentions of non-con.


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 11/? futakuchi_onna July 17 2013, 05:48:17 UTC
Yaay, there's already more. XD

Ah, it's still alright, but if you want to make sure, you can always reply to the prompt-post with new chapters.


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? futakuchi_onna July 17 2013, 05:42:55 UTC

I love Doom's clinical approach to everything and the reaction it causes, only to have irritating feelings and wishes for things he doesn't want to admit aloud.

Please, more? *hopeful puppy-eyes*


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:56:46 UTC
The last three were actually supposed to be one scene, but apparently there's a character limit!

So no more tonight. Maybe tomorrow...


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? futakuchi_onna July 17 2013, 06:11:55 UTC
Hehe, yes, the character limit is a frequent annoyance. XD

Oh, wow, you write fast.
A nice developement. It's great that he didn't force the issue, for various reasons. And the slower build-up is nice too.

*sets up camp*


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? anonymous July 17 2013, 07:07:35 UTC
I do like this very much. Please continue!!


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 7/? anonymous July 16 2013, 06:40:29 UTC
Oh wow! This is so interesting. Finally Doom and Loki. This pairing clearly needs more attention! :)


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