Prompt Post No. 1

May 04, 2011 02:47

Announcement: Norsekink Round 1 is now closed to new prompts!
Attention: All new and continuing fills for this round are to be posted in the Overflow Post, not in this round.

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round 01, prompt post

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Loki/anyone, birth control spylace May 26 2011, 16:53:27 UTC
As much as I enjoy the plethora of mpreg fics in this fandom, I just want to know if it can be done.

Someone introduce Loki to the miracles of birth control plz xDDD


Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 korilian June 2 2011, 20:47:49 UTC
Loki’s doctor was Mitgardian, puny and insignificant, but it was hard not to feel self-conscious about taking off his clothes in front of her. He hated undressing in front of others. He’d never been all that good at keeping track of his form and ever since puberty ( ... )


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 spylace June 2 2011, 21:41:23 UTC
BWAHAHAHAHA. Omg, that last line is the best. Poor Loki!


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 x_eevie June 2 2011, 22:56:30 UTC
Oh man I feel embarrassed for Loki, that kind of stuff is always awkward. Great little story!


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 neotoma June 2 2011, 23:26:52 UTC
HEEE! "The babies were a big clue." I can just imagine him it saying it in exasperation.

For all their shiny shiny magi-tech, Asgardians would be behind on the social advancement that Midgard is so good at. Partly because they have such long lives.

The thought was even more horrifying than the discovery of his Jotun blood and he rejected it out of hand.

He's kind of picky for a man who gave birth to a horse...

“Right.” He said firmly, “I’ll take them all.”

Belt-and-suspenders birth control for him -- Loki is taking no more chances, hee!

Do you have an archive you use for your stories? Because this was very cute and I'd love to see what else you've done.


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 korilian June 3 2011, 06:45:51 UTC
Hmm, not as such. You can find most of my stuff through my delicious page (Mostly SGA. Not yet the Thor stuff).


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 neotoma June 3 2011, 23:39:51 UTC
You might want to get an Archive of Our Own account -- it's a pretty easy to use site, and there needs to be more Thor movie love there.


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 korilian June 6 2011, 11:54:08 UTC
Haha. I have one. I'm just to lazy to update it. I've been thinking about putting the Thor stuff on there, but it would really need a beta to pick out the spelling errors and what not first.


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 hyperactivator June 2 2011, 23:28:14 UTC
This was all kinds of wonderfull.


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 spylace June 3 2011, 02:28:15 UTC
Someone actually filled my prompt *squees*

“Right.” He said firmly, “I’ll take them all.”

This line is just made of win xDD


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 joirerson June 4 2011, 01:37:03 UTC
This was absolutely delightful!!!


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 dogmatix_san July 14 2011, 21:05:21 UTC
Loki was feeling a little shell shocked at the discovery that these mortals managed to breed like they did when there were so many ways to prevent it.

*snerk* The breeding rate is the reason why there are so many contraceptive methods.

The last line is pure gold. XD


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 wiredweirdly August 10 2011, 05:03:26 UTC
(he wasn’t opposed to a good poking in general… that was the whole problem really)


xD This whole fic made me giggle a lot. <3


Re: Loki goes to the Gyno's. 1/1 ithilgwath October 10 2011, 19:15:28 UTC
*snerkkk* that was awesome.


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