Things which I like on the internet:
This awesome letter Gene Roddenberry wrote to his agent after The Cage was rejected, in which he talks a lot about how he really, truly wants to make everyone realise that science fiction is a thing of wonder and beauty, but will settle for making them think it's kind of okay if it means he gets to have dinner with his kids and knock off early on Fridays.
The 19th and 20th Century Correspondance Pool. Why yes, I am one of those creepy people who reads your post if you leave it open.
2) As a person who routinely gets halfway through shopping, realises she's forgotten her purse, stashes her shopping on an out-of-the-way shelf, runs home for her purse and then tries to retrieve the hidden shopping without anyone seeing her and thinking she's a loon who collects other people's warm milk for kicks, it's statistically inevitable that I will end up on this website. And whatever they caption me with will probably be true.