Title: You wake suddenly...
Rating: PG-13 (?)
Genre: psychological, psychotic
Pairing: No names mentioned ever. Pick a pairing and roll with it. Originally written as a KiChul, but also works well with JunDa or other pairings.
Summary: The voice in your head. The voice that you fear. The voice that carries power, seduction, compelling you to obey…
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Comments 9
Hmmm, and I almost ended the whole thing at "But you can’t stop it.". Which would have lead to a very different story...
Thank you again for commenting! (sorry for the long reply!)
criticism? ahh i dont wanna say anything wrong!
well this was my fave bit:
The voice whispers, hisses, frantically. But the words are lost to you as you gaze upon your lover’s face. Hoping, praying that he will wake up, open his eyes. Look into your own and see the demon within you. Hoping he will pull himself away, far far away, where he is safe.
it shows how the characters arent jsut charcters they are actual people and this is a possible way of them feeling. personaly i can see Heechul thinking this. and i guess i like it coz it kinda reminds me of myself..in a way (not that im a serial killer or anything ^^)
and pairings *hehe*:
heechul/eeteuk - if u write this pairing i will worship for ever .. and offer u hearts ♥♥
sorry bout the long comment =) ♥♥♥
Thank you again *hugs*
and OMG i just noticed you icon *squeee*
i wrote a new fic series with pyscho!chullie and abused!min
would u mind reading and criticising?
its in the miracle____ community i just cant hyperlink -__-
pouty face icons FTW!!!!
I feel honored that I got such a long comment~ Thank you very much!
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Thank you very much for commenting!!! *hugs*
godd wow? or bad wow?
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