Cooooool, finally! I was so glad to read this - the energy of the event really comes through in your writing. ^_^ And Uematsu-san! And the orchestra people being all awestruck by your reactions, that was beautiful, really. (You read lips really well!) I hope there are more events like this too - I wanna go~!
I'm still annoyed with the stupid DN-snoot who was so negative about the event. >_< Obviously it was great for everyone there *except him*, and he just felt left out. Feh!
Thank you so much! ^__^ ♥ Yes, more events like this, I have a huge craving. :D I did get a reply from that snoot, just before I went on vacation. I just skimmed his email, he didn't seem to understand why I was criticizing him, even though I included quotes from his own text and then explained what I did not like. Obviously he's not too bright... :P Maybe I'll post it later.
it's actually the first article I've read from you! I hope you don't think less of me but I normally avoid gaming revieves/articles/mags...because I simply don't like them. I was highly involved in that world before (really), and it really left a REALLY bad taste in my mouth..I'll tell you about it someday if you are interested XD;;
but your article is very enthustiastic, and not as posh/upnosed (you know what I mean?) like a lot of them are...I'm highly dissapointed and perhaps a bit offended that nowhere in your article do you mention that there where other composers there (sitting in the audience) ...most of all the composer Huelsbeck (who wrote the music of my childhoods fav game)
I hope you don't get angry, I'm no meaning any harm ^^;
btw you wanna drop by tomorrow? you are ofcourse welcome, but perhaps you have work?
No I don't have work, it's the last days of my vacation, but it's too hot to go anywhere in my opinion. I've even turned down people who wanna come over and celebrate me in advance on Sunday for my birthday (Tuesday
( ... )
(And yes, I could've looked the names up of course. I know that. ^^;;;; But then I wouldn't know what to write about them since I have no connection to the games or their music. As I wrote in the article, lots of music was new to me, but it was much better than I could've expected which was fun for me! :D)
Jag antar att jag är ett faktafreak, det är typ därför jag alldrig skriver någonting seriöst (för att det skulle vara så jobbigt att kolla upp allting). Du kan ju kanske förstå min känsla om att i en artikel om Play! att det kändes lite när han inte ens fanns nämnd och det lät som Uematsu var den enda exklusiva gästen. Jag gissar att om det varit tvärt om så hade du blivit lite stött ;D Sen tänkte jag mest att det kunde vara användbart med lite kritik oxå, det finns ju alltid rum för förbättring menar jag :D
Jag skulle verkligen vilja höja klassen på tv-spels journalistik här i sverige..bara igår så läste jag en artikel där det stog. " grafiken var dålig"...och inget mer, ingen uppföljning eller förklaring...jag menar, var det gryningt? hackade det? osv osv...den frustrationen spillde väl över lite på kritiken mot dig antar jag XD;;
ah jag förstår, det skulle bli molnigt imorgon så känner du för att droppa förbi ändå så är du jättevälkommen, du har ju mitt mobil nummer ^___^
Comments 12
I'm still annoyed with the stupid DN-snoot who was so negative about the event. >_< Obviously it was great for everyone there *except him*, and he just felt left out. Feh!
Yes, more events like this, I have a huge craving. :D
I did get a reply from that snoot, just before I went on vacation. I just skimmed his email, he didn't seem to understand why I was criticizing him, even though I included quotes from his own text and then explained what I did not like. Obviously he's not too bright... :P Maybe I'll post it later.
but your article is very enthustiastic, and not as posh/upnosed (you know what I mean?) like a lot of them are...I'm highly dissapointed and perhaps a bit offended that nowhere in your article do you mention that there where other composers there (sitting in the audience) ...most of all the composer Huelsbeck (who wrote the music of my childhoods fav game)
I hope you don't get angry, I'm no meaning any harm ^^;
btw you wanna drop by tomorrow? you are ofcourse welcome, but perhaps you have work?
Jag skulle verkligen vilja höja klassen på tv-spels journalistik här i sverige..bara igår så läste jag en artikel där det stog. " grafiken var dålig"...och inget mer, ingen uppföljning eller förklaring...jag menar, var det gryningt? hackade det? osv osv...den frustrationen spillde väl över lite på kritiken mot dig antar jag XD;;
ah jag förstår, det skulle bli molnigt imorgon så känner du för att droppa förbi ändå så är du jättevälkommen, du har ju mitt mobil nummer ^___^
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