[FANFIC] Nordics on the Hunt for Hanatamago [gen]

Dec 18, 2010 18:35

Title: Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack, Except with a White Dog in Snow
Author: muishiki
Recipient: catgirlprime
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Hanatamago's gone a-missing, and Finland searches with the (unhelpful) help of the Nordics.
Notes: I hope you like it! /nervous


Finland had a bit of a problem.

Well, it wasn't really a problem, just one of those little issues that pop up here and there occasionally, so he supposed he couldn't really call it a problem, except it really was getting problematic, and-

"Mama! Have you seen Hanatamago anywhere?" Oh, it was Sealand, he should probably get out from under the-

Ow, stupid table.

He rubbed his head and crawled out from under the table, where he had been searching for said dog. He wouldn't have been so concerned if one: it wasn't Winter, and the ground wasn't covered in snow, and two: Hanatamago hadn’t seemed a bit off lately. She’d been leaving food in her bowl.

It wasn't like his cooking was terrible or anything, right?

"Mama, didn't you hear me? Have you seen Hana?" Sealand's voice brought him back to the present situation. He pouted (oh no, not the pout) and tugged at Finland's sleeve. "I can't find her anywhere."

"Er, have you asked Sweden?"

"I did, but Papa just kind of muttered in that way he usually does. Then he started building something."

"I see," Finland sighed. Figures, just when he needed his help, he would be working on his "f'rnit'r." He took the boy by the hand and led him to Sweden's workshop.

"Let's go ask Sweden to help us find Hanatamago."

Round 1: Sweden (but mostly Denmark)

"Err, excuse me?"


"Have you seen Hanatamago anywhere?"

"Told Peter, havn't seen 'm-"

"Hey, Sve!" Denmark's voice suddenly interrupted the two. Soon after, Denmark himself popped out of the tool shed, waving a large saw at Sweden. "How's this one? It was the biggest one I could find in there. But seriously, you've got too much junk in there, man. Especially all those wooden horses that you know no one likes except for those tacky tourists who think they're adorable except they're really cheesy-oh hey, Fin! And Sealand, too! How're you doing?"

"Oh... hi, Denmark. What brings you here?" asked Finland.

"Oh, me? Just thought I'd drop by for some quality brother-to-brother time, maybe help out with the furniture, show that Danish design is clearly superior to Swedish design, borrow a plane or drill for some woodworking, and speaking of woodworking, have you seen the new line of wood furniture coming out of my designers?" Denmark rambled on, while giving Sweden a manly clap on the shoulders. Sweden glowered. "And you know, people find my chairs more of a luxury item than your cheap-ass IKEA stuff. Speaking of ass, Finland, how's yours doing? Maybe you need a nice Danish chair instead of those rigid stiff Swedish ones. I've got a great model that Norway likes, even though he won't admit it, that frigid-"

"Er, that's nice and all," Finland interrupted. Otherwise, he'd be stuck here all day. "But we really need to look for Hanatamago." He started backing away. "I'm really sorry, Denmark, but I should get going. It'll get harder to find Hana as it gets darker, especially with all this snow around-"

Denmark practically jumped on him. "What, you lost your dog?"

Finland got an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

"Aw, why didn't you say so earlier?"


"You know what?"

Definitely bad.

"As the eldest of our family-"

His trigger finger may or may not have itched.

"-it is my duty to help you find your dog, er, Hanatamawhatsit."

Damn it.

Denmark slung an arm over Finland's shoulder (which, by the way, was still holding that saw). "Follow me! We're going to find your dog!"

Round 2: Norway (and Iceland)

Norway was having a pleasant coffee break with Iceland. The sun was bright, but not too bright; the wind was a lovely temperature (a delightful 0°C); the nisse were behaving, and best of all, no Den-

"Hey, Norway!"

Norway twitched. At the same time, a nearby tree broke in half.

Denmark whistled. "Whoa, check that out. Must be crazy cold, if ice can snap a tree in half like that." Norway sipped his coffee, and Iceland rolled his eyes. "But wow, you guys don't seem all that surprised. Does that kinda thing happen a lot in you guys' places or something?" No response. "Er, I guess it could, since your places are really freaking cold, and man, I think I'm catching a cold just by breathing here," Denmark shivered and rubbed his arms for emphasis. Finland almost felt sorry for him, except this kind of thing happened all the time.

"Hey, Norway, did you know? Apparently in Asia, there's a saying that goes along the lines of 'idiots don't catch colds'. I heard it from Hong Kong the other day," said Iceland. He sipped his coffee and fed his puffin.

Norway nodded. "Looks like we won't have to worry about him."


"…Wait… hey! That's mean! I can catch colds!" He grabbed Norway's hand and lifted it to his face. "Look at my nose, it's running!" In response, Norway flicked his nose.

With Denmark writhing in pain (Norway was stronger than he looked), Finland took this chance to ask the two. "Sorry to interrupt your break, but I was wondering if you'd seen Hanatamago anywhere? I can't seem to find her anywhere, and I'm getting a bit worried…"

Norway rubbed his chin a bit, then spoke. "Do you have anything that might carry her scent?"

"Er…" Finland rummaged through his pockets and produced a beat-up tennis ball. "Ah, I have a chew toy of hers. I thought it might come in handy, since she's rather fond of this. Why do you ask?"

Norway pondered the tennis ball for a while. He then replied, "I think I may be able to find her."

"R-really?" Finland almost sank to the ground in relief. There was a chance that this would end quickly, even though Denmark (and now Norway and Iceland) had gotten involved! "That would be great! How, and what can I do to help?"

"First, I should tell you that you might not like it."

"…Why do you say that?" Now that he thought about it, of course it wouldn't be this easy, considering the involved parties.

"Wait, Norway, is it one of your weird magic things-" Norway elbowed Denmark in the gut before he had the chance to finish.

He continued, "With my nisse, we'll definitely find your dog."

That uneasy feeling in his stomach came back. "Then what's the problem?"

"You would probably prefer to have her back alive, right?"

"O-of course, what kind of silly question is that…"

"Well, the nisse might eat her."


Norway shrugged. "It's been cold this winter, and they're feeling a bit peckish." Iceland nodded, bored.

Finland made a mental note-to-self: never ask Norway for help finding things.

Round 3: Sweden (2nd attempt, plus Sealand)

"Well, that didn't help much." Finland sighed, feet dragging in the snow as they walked back home. If only Hanatamago were red, or purple, or maybe bright neon green… Maybe he should have let Sweden put one of his kitschy doggy sweaters on her; for all he knew, it could've made her easier to find. Honestly, how hard could it be to find a little dog in the snow?

"Mama! Come look! Papa thinks he can find Hana!" Sealand shouted from their front yard. He came running up to Finland, grabbing him by the hand and dragging him over by the tool shed. "Papa's got a great idea for finding Hanatamago, and I've been helping!" His eyes were practically sparkling with excitement. Finland tried to have hope; maybe Sweden had really stumbled upon a good idea, and maybe if he turned around the corner, he'd see his dog, safe and sound-



It was a dog. Or at least, dog-shaped.

"S-Sweden? What exactly is… that?"

"'s a friend f'Hana."

"…I see (not really), but for what?"

"Thought Hana w's lonely 'r somethn'. Made a friend f'her, m'be she'll come back."

Note to self: don't keep your hopes up.

Round 4: Hanatamago

"I have to say, Fin, your dog is just like you-impossible to find."

Denmark scratched his head and sighed. "Except, we don't have to worry about Hana suddenly sniping us down during snowball fights. Seriously, Fin, that's gotta be an unfair advantage-whichever team you end up on always wins. Even when you're with Iceland, who seriously has the worst aim I've ever seen, I mean, it'd help if he put that puffin down and aimed…"

Hanatamago peered in the direction of the voices from under the porch. Was her owner and the loud one coming back? Oops, she'd better hide again. She crept deeper under the porch, staying within the snow to hide herself. With luck, she wouldn't be found until after dinner, and she wouldn't have to eat that… what was it called? That, uh, Finnish food... Yeah.

Hanatamago shivered at the thought of having that for dinner again. Hopefully after this week, he'd stop cooking and Sweden would take over cooking duties again-as much as she loved Finland, the same couldn't be said for his cooking.

Well, she'd just stay safely out of sight for the time being. It'd be okay, right…?


fanfic, *2010: gifts

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