2010 Winter Secret Santa Sign-ups!

Oct 13, 2010 21:34

Hello and welcome! Please read over all the following before signing up. Thank you!

What 'Secret Santa Exchange' Means: You create a fanwork, and you'll receive one in return. Everyone who wishes to participate will provide a few prompts that they'd like to see completed, and another community member will be assigned their prompts and will complete one of those (which one is completed is up to the person they're assigned to). When you submit your prompts, you are welcome (and encouraged) to tell me anything you are uncomfortable with or don't wish to do (pairings, genre, rating, etc), that way the prompts you're given are something you're comfortable writing/drawing.

Rules and Regulations:

1) Join the Community! You MUST join this community so you can post your fill here when it is completed and keep up on important information and announcements posted pre-due date. I hate to require this, but I really struggled last year in getting ahold of people for check-in dates.

2) All fanworks must be Nordic-focused. This is not a general Hetalia fic/art exchange. These stories and art pieces need to focus on at least one of the Nordics (Finland, Sweden (Hanatamago and Sealand can come too!), Iceland, Denmark, Norway) or a Nordic/Nordic pairing. You can request pairings, character-centric pieces, or gen-fic/platonic pieces. So whether you'd like some Sweden/Finland fluff with cookies, a picture of Denmark fighting or a gen-fic about Norway and Iceland as brothers working together on a project- those all work! If you'd like to ask for a non-Nordic/Nordic pairing, please offer another prompt that is either gen or features both Nordics in the pair! Thank you~

3) Can I ask for ____? You can ask for whatever you want- rating, genre, etc. However, please keep in mind that if you're asking for something super unusual, you might want to provide some broader prompts as well.

4) How long do I have to signup? Signups will end on October 25th. Assignments will be sent out by 29th.

5) When is the deadline? Please have your piece completed and posted by 12/24/10. You may post your fanwork any time after 12/01/10.

6) How do I post it? I'll put up the posting format later, but you just post it directly to the community. You may put it below an lj-cut or link off community (to a writing journal, ff.net, deviantart, etc).

7) How long does fic have to be? At least eight hundred words. It doesn't need to be super-long of course, but we want everyone to get something that's more than drabble length.

8) Are there any extra requirements for the art? Aside from the stipulations listed above for both fic and art, no. It can be done in any medium (digital, colored pencil, copic, sketch, etc). Just remember that this is a gift for someone, so make sure it's a completed piece!

9) Can I do fancomics? Yes. Absolutely.

10) I have another question. Then please ask it in reply here.

11) What if I need to drop out? Then I would ask you to please let me know as soon as possible so we can arrange a pinch hitter for you.

12) What is a pinch hitter? If someone has to drop out, I'd still like their giftee to get a gift. A pinch hitter is someone who is willing to do a second fanwork in order to make sure no one goes without a gift.

13) What type of prompts should I give? Prompts can be anything from something vague like "Finland and Iceland in a snowball fight," "Denmark/Norway Christmas Eve fluff" to something specific like "I'd like to see all five of the Nordics spending a day at an amusement park. Sealand can come too, if the author wants! It'd be really cool if it was Tivoli Gardens in Denmark, but it doesn't have to be. I'd also like someone funny to love the kiddie rides. Can be non-pairing or have light SuFin, DenNor." You must give me three prompts or I cannot fairly give your requests to your Santa.

  • Okay, I'm ready to signup! Great, here's a sample form. Just reply to THIS post with your form. You can use the handy dandy provided html. Comments are screened.

    Specialty (Fanfic or Fanart- If you can do both, you may list both):
    Highest Rating You'll Work With:
    Will Not Work With (Any characters, pairings, genres, scenarios, you won't do):

    Do Not Want (Any characters, pairings, ratings, genres, scenarios, etc you don't want to receive):
    Do You Prefer fic, art, or no preference?:
    Country names, human names, or no preference?: (If you want human names for Denmark, Norway or Iceland, please list which fan-made names you'd like used)
    Three Prompts. If all your prompts are fic only (as opposed to prompts that are able to work for both fic and art), and you're willing to receive art, please add a fourth prompt for art. Same goes for if all of your prompts are art, please add a fourth for fic if you're willing to receive fic:

    Can you pinch hit if someone drops out?:

    Specialty (Fanfic or Fanart- If you can do both, you may list both):
    Highest Rating You'll Work With:
    Will Not Work With (Any characters, pairings, genres, scenarios, you won't do):

    Do Not Want (Any characters, pairings, ratings, genres, scenarios, etc you don't want to receive):
    Do You Prefer fic, art, or no preference?:
    Country names, human names, or no preference?:
    Three Prompts. If all your prompts are fic only (as opposed to prompts that are able to work for both fic and art), and you're willing to receive art, please add a fourth prompt for art. Same goes for if all of your prompts are art, please add a fourth for fic if you're willing to receive fic:

    Can you pinch hit if someone drops out?:

    SIGNUPS FOR 2010 ARE NOW CLOSED. No new forms or changes are allowed from this point onward. Thank you!
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