Title: Gravy
Summary: "Gravy," he said. "Surprise me." (2.02 The Scorpion and the Toad)
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
Pairing: Ted/Robin
Spoilers: Through 2.02
Author's note: This is what happens when I look up things. And have multiple midterms to complete by tomorrow :/
Ted groaned and rolled over. )
Comments 13
And awe, such a cute fic :) Oh Robin being Canadian, I love it <3
Good luck on your midterms!!!! :D
Thanks! And I'm crossing my fingers on the midterm situation... :P
Anyway. This was adorable. I just got my best friend (finally) watching the show, and she's fallen completely in love with Ted/Robin, which just reminded me how much I did love them together.
As much as I am fully aware that they couldn't last and they aren't perfect for each other... I really did like their dynamic when they were together. So I figured they deserved some love in the midst of all the BroTP (which I also love, hee) Thank you!
This is so cute
And... awwwwwww.
The funny thing is, this actually gave me a little shot of melancholy at the end, because... Ted and Robin broke up. And when I read something like this, I think... they shouldn't have.
I'm glad you felt that way, because that means I did my job right :) My thoughts EXACTLY. As much as I really understood that they weren't PERFECT for each other... they were good together for a time, and I did like who they were when they were together.
Thank you!! &hearts
High five!
I still want to see the knickers!!! :)
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