Rough nights (1/?)

Jan 22, 2010 16:02

Title: Rough Nights
Author: nonsenseandmaya
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A rough night for JJ.
Disclaimers: I own nothing. And since I don't have a beta at the moment, all mistakes are mine.

A/N: This is my first Criminal Minds fic and I wasn't going to post it until I'd finished it, but I think I need some feedback to know if I should keep going. And if you want to be my beta, let me know.

“You can do this”, JJ said as she paced back and forth on the porch. “We are going to catch him and give the families justice.” She went over to the railing and grasped it tightly. The dark trees seemed to tower around her, threatening to swallow her. No matter how much she disliked the forest, she would rather stay out here than to set foot in that house again.

She could hear herself recounting the evidence to her colleagues over and over. Stabbed, suffocated, raped. The pile of dead bodies was growing higher with every passing day, and there seemed to be no way to stop it.

The sky suddenly opened up and the rain came crashing down. The voices surrounding her vanished as water smashed against the roof. JJ leaned forward and let it wash over her. Maybe she could make it all go away. The wind grabbed hold of her wet hair and she closed her eyes. She jumped as a hand touched her shoulder.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you”, Emily said. “What are you doing out here? It’s freezing.”

“I just need some fresh air”, JJ said without turning around, her heart beating rapidly.

“You’re shaking.” Emily put her arm around her. “We should get back inside.”

JJ didn’t move.

“I visited one of the families just a week ago…” Her voice was as low as a whisper. “They invited me into their home. I sat on their couch, looked at their pictures… and told them their daughter‘s dead.” She stared out into the darkness. “And now… I can’t even remember their names.”

Emily took her hand and forced her to turn around.

“It’s not your fault. We are all stressed out because of the no sleep, no food, no progress thing that’s been going on lately. But there’s still hope JJ.” Emily held her close. “We’ll catch him.”

“Hey guys, we have to get going or we’ll have to spend the night here”, Emily told the team as they entered the hallway. The weather was not on their side tonight.

JJ still had her fingers intertwined with Emily’s. She was well aware that when she let go, everything would go back to normal. Emily would put up that wall between them and there would be nothing keeping her together. I shouldn’t have done it. She felt like kicking herself. She couldn’t get Emily’s facial expression from that day out of her head. The way Emily refused to look at her, how the words JJ didn’t want to hear came out of her mouth as she took a step back.

JJ let go of her hand. She’d better not get used to it.

fic, criminal minds, femslash

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