[Translation] 2011.03 Potato Kamenashi Kazuya’s Going! My Way No. 2...

Mar 20, 2011 18:42

2011.03 Potato - Kamenashi Kazuya's Going My Way No. 2 + Kame in Guam

[page 177]

This month’s はみだし隊 [1] Kamenashi Kazuya in GUAM

“Because I was allowed to participate I am going to do all of it!” says Kamenashi who is challenging the same training as the players. In Guam, where at that day the temperature climbed up to 35°C, he ran and played while sweating. Because it’s a location of “Going!” there were lots of expressions he showed and his smiling face was also always beyond radiant. Along the way, the players were humming “Real Face”, Kamenashi sang all of the high point of the song, this was a scene of harmony/happiness, too!

Baseball youth Kamenashi chasing the ball

[Text with the pic of the glove:]
Photo by Kame
My glove
The glove he received from former Lotte player Nishioka (currently a Major League player).

はみだし means jutting out; being crowded out
隊 means party; company
I have no clue what はみだし隊 means though.


[page with pic of the Kame with the players]

Kamenashi Kazuya Going! My Way No. 2

We pursued Kamenashi, who participated in an independent training of the Giants held in Guam. He said, “It’s the first time I am involved like that” with Abe-san and the two others, however he instantly mixed with them and his figure, that was sweating together with them, really shone!

Kamenashi, Going! to the Giants independent training! in Guam

Solely being outside in a heat where one bursts into a sweat, “When it’s warm, my body is light! Now my body has the lightness of a primary school student”, says Kamenashi, a baseball youth, who is tackling the training with glittering eyes. While doing the whole programme together with the players, and doing interviews during the breaks this is a location with no time for resting.
And yet without showing a worn-out face, in the timing of the interviews and his detailed attention, he lets us see his professional face regarding work, again different to the baseball youth. That power to switch/change [between them] is excellent!
When the practice was over, Kamenashi suddenly said to the player Sakamoto “Baseball is fun. Doing it with everyone is great, right”, in these words the genuine feelings of “like” towards baseball are packed.


[page with Kame with baseball bat]

This time during collecting data, I had the pro’s “building of their body” and “working on preparing the condition of their bodies” right in front of me. So that I can myself show more than 100% strength at matches, I learnt a lot about what kind of body should I have, how would it be best to train it, etc.
Myself, because during lives there is an important part that manages on adrenaline, so when I adjust seriously a little before the lives [start], that is again different, right? That’s what I also felt. Professionals have the feeling of always improving, even at parts that are not only technique/skill are they people who have a great charm.
Of course self-consciousness as a pro, it’s also really visible to surrounding people, it’s really fascinating! It’s not only about baseball, as one person I also learn from it.
In the same way as the players are building their bodies, I sang and dance and practiced for plays a lot as a Jr. But now when I sing, when I am doing “Going!”, when I am doing plays… because every channel inside of me is entirely different, it’s difficult to narrow it into one and integrate it like all the players do. For this reason I want to firmly hold a foundation.
Moreover, I am doing various things now, it’s a time when I broaden my channels. Including that I belong to the group KAT-TUN, I broaden the possibilities as Kamenashi Kazuya; I must do various things now, so when my future self will have made choices, my surroundings will accept those choices too.
Then, I was being taught by Abe-san the way to hit the homerun, and I again felt that there are various theories and ways to tackle the homerun. From now on, I will blend the advice and good points from everyone and acquire a way of hitting that matches my own body, I want to quickly hit the homerun!

Kame's Mail

Title: Fu~ 2011.02.07

I completed the Guam independent training first day safely!!

Of course, I again feel that the professionals are amazing

The independent training...

I expected to practice more roughly...

It was fairly hard...
However, while relaxing, while having fun,

However, every player brings a sense of danger and tackles it!

It was a time of very deep-thinking

I also want to do independent training from next year on

My principal occupation’s


When is my own off-season??

Thanks iside89 for the help.

translation, kame

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