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Comments 17

aravishermione March 5 2016, 00:02:23 UTC
OMG you made Funhaus and Rooster Teeth icons!!!! I love you so much and am going to stalk your journal for that reason alone, not to mention your icons are amazing!!

*runs to check out your Rooster Teeth tag*


watchpoint March 5 2016, 00:05:38 UTC
Funhaus and Rooster Teeth are my FAVORITES right now! I haven't made any more Rooster Teeth icons as of now but I will. :D


aravishermione March 5 2016, 00:10:09 UTC
ZOMG I've been following Rooster Teeth since RvB hit the internet in what, 2003 or 2004? I was just listening to the RT podcast earlier!! I will definitely snag any Gus icons you make lol. Omg I love them all so much...Achievement Hunter guys too!


tardis_mafia March 5 2016, 00:16:19 UTC
Great job! Snagging a couple Teen Wolf ones. :D


everythingshiny March 5 2016, 00:41:16 UTC
yay more icons!!!

beautiful post too :)


poisonfield March 5 2016, 07:00:14 UTC
Rooster teeth???


violateraindrop March 5 2016, 19:52:45 UTC
Great batch! I love the crop of 8 so much :D


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