Green Alert on HoochStar IV

Jan 11, 2005 09:33

KY Jellico, former captain of the
USS Murgatroid, relaxed on a hammock suspended between two thweed trees on HoochStar IV. That wasn't the official name of his retirement home, but it was the designation the Murgatroid crew had given it. It was a small, comfortable world near the Cardassian border which hardly anyone had ever noticed - it wasn't involved in the Federation-Cardassian War; nor did it fall on the wrong side of the negotiated border afterwards, prompting the Maquis to fight over it. There was a small settlement of human colonists, who mainly distilled alcohol and sang songs involving parrots. The Murgatroid had traded with the locals a few times, before finding a newer, larger source of alcohol.
Jellico had decided years ago to retire to HoochStar IV, provided he survived his command of the Murgatroid and was allowed by Starfleet to walk away a free man once his "tour of doody" was over. The climate was mild and pleasant, food was plentiful, there were no local diseases or parasites who'd worked up the ambition to mutate into a form harmful to humans, and nothing big or bad ever happened here. He'd left
Pooky and
Shiny, his Orion slave girls, back on the Murgatroid; but he was sure that he could get more from the Orion traders who came through from time to time. Until then, his only plans were to drink, lie back, and watch the sky...
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