[fanfic; Doctor Who] Stargazing

Sep 06, 2011 20:46

Title: Stargazing
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Amy Pond/Rory Williams/Eleven
Warnings: minor spoilers for the end of series 5
Rating: PG
Word count: 2,700
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the franchises or series posted about here nor am I making any profit from my works.
Prompt: holding hands - you drew a star on the palm of my hand
Summary: The Doctor makes the mistake of mentioning the TARDIS observatory. So of course Amy has to see it.
Notes: Set right after the finale of series 5. Written for springkink.

“That was. Amazing.” Amy brushed her hair back out of her eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. Her veil had been lost somewhere back on the planet’s surface.

The Doctor and Rory were both leaning against the TARDIS door, breathing ragged. Despite having all run the same distance, Amy was the only one of the three that didn’t look like she’d just sprinted for miles - and she was the one wearing the wedding dress.

“Yes, well, that’s one way to describe it,” the Doctor said at last, clearing his throat and straightening his bowtie. “‘Unexpected’ is another good one.”

“How come no one’s suggested ‘terrifying’?” Rory frowned, wondering if he was the only one on this ship with correctly functioning amygdalae.

Amy laughed, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. “Don’t be a spoilsport, Rory, it wasn’t that bad.”

“Of course not, I’ve always wanted to be chased across a crystal river by a horde of space piranhas on my wedding night,” Rory retorted. “Oh wait. No I haven’t.”

The Doctor wrinkled his nose in confusion. “I’d like to apologize for that, by the way. Took me completely by surprise, I swear.”

Amy shot him a stern look. “Don’t apologize, it was fantastic. I’ve never seen crystal like that.”

“Until the piranhas showed up,” Rory muttered, but Amy ignored him, looping her arm around his and pulling him away from the door.

“Come on, stop whining. Where to next, Doctor?”

The Doctor looked up from his sleeves, which he’d been fiddling with in an attempt to straighten out the cuffs. “Bed, for you two. I’m afraid I’ve kept you up way past your bedtime.”

“But Doctor!” Amy detached herself from Rory and tucked her elbow in the Doctor’s instead, putting on her best pout. “I don’t want to go to bed yet - ”

Rory rolled his eyes. “Oh, thanks.”

Amy waved a hand at him. “That’s not what I meant, silly!” The Doctor flushed slightly, just catching on to what they were talking about, but Amy went on. “Doctor, you promised us more adventures. And while crystal rivers and floating mountains are really interesting - ”

“The adventures won’t go anywhere while you’re sleeping,” the Doctor pointed out, looking at Rory for help. Rory shrugged.

“That’s hard to believe, what with you never sleeping,” Amy argued.

With a sigh, the Doctor tried a different tactic. “If you go rest now, I’ll take you to two new places later, how about that?”

Amy stared at him thoughtfully for a moment, then finally stepped away. “Fine. But it’ll be more like a glorified nap, okay?”

“Perfectly fine. Love a good nap. Rory, that okay with you too?”

Rory shrugged again. “Do I really get any say in this?”

“Of course,” Amy said with a smile, going over and pulling him close for another quick kiss. Behind her, Rory saw the Doctor solemnly shake his head.

“Sounds good to me, then,” he told them. Still smiling, Amy took Rory’s hand and started to lead him deeper into the TARDIS. In the doorway to the adjoining hallway, she stopped and turned around.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

The Doctor leaned against the main console, hanging his top hat on a lever. He’d lost his scarf somewhere alongside Amy’s veil, it seemed. It was actually kind of surprising that he’d kept hold of the hat. “Probably go to the observatory.”

“You’ve got an observatory?”

“I’ve got a lot of things you haven’t noticed yet.”

“Oh, I doubt that,” Amy replied coquettishly, eyes narrowed at the man. The Doctor stepped back ever-so-slightly, as if that would put him out of the way of Amy’s gaze.

“Might I remind you who you married tonight?” Rory cut in, raising an eyebrow.

The remark snapped the Doctor back into focus. “Right! Move along, Ponds, go do, er, wedding-y stuff.” He flapped his hands at them, trying to shoo them away while not looking too disturbed at the thought of “wedding-y stuff.”

“Not so fast,” Amy demanded, holding Rory in place when he tried to leave. “I want to see this observatory.”

The Doctor and Rory looked at each other and knew it would be a lost cause to try and argue.

“It’s that way.” The Doctor pointed to a different hallway, and Amy, still holding Rory’s hand, led him back down the stairs. Stopping to take the Doctor’s hand in her free hand, she grinned at her boys encouragingly.

The Doctor smiled back. “Well then, allons-y! No, that’s no good, it sounded much better when I used to say it. Anyway, come on.”

He led the other two through a labyrinth of corridors, navigating the TARDIS as only he knew how. When he pushed open a nondescript little door that opened into a much bigger room than its entrance would have one believe, Amy dropped his and Rory’s hands in favor of setting her fists on her hips.

“This doesn’t look like much of an observatory,” she said, nodding at the high, metal-covered ceiling. The room was circular, with metal ramps leading up to a center platform. Computer consoles, lab equipment, and various other science-y things that Amy and Rory couldn’t identify cluttered the room’s perimeter.

“Hold on a minute!” the Doctor protested, hopping over a short guard rail onto a lower platform. There were several panels covered in various buttons and levers, much like the main control room console, and he spent a moment hovering over a few of them before settling on pushing a big button at the far end of the room. Above them, the ceiling began to part down the middle, revealing nothing but space behind it.

“Isn’t this kind of dangerous,” Rory asked, looking skeptical.

“Nooo, of course not! Same force field thing on the front door goes around the whole TARDIS,” the Doctor explained, clumsily climbing up to the main platform. Rory had to bend down and haul him up by the back of his coat.

“Force field thing, right, such scientific accuracy makes me feel a lot better.” Rory scoffed, but he was smiling slightly.

“Just don’t touch that keypad,” the Doctor added, motioning to the control panel nearest the door.

“Stop blabbering, you two, and get over here!” Amy stood in the middle of the room already, bathed in starlight and staring up at the open ceiling. Rory and the Doctor didn’t move, just watched her as she kept talking. “It’s so pretty - like someone mixed up an artist’s palette.”

The Doctor elbowed Rory in the side, urging him to go to Amy. Rory wasn’t having any of that, however; he gripped the Doctor by the arm and pulled him up the ramp. Amy was already sitting down right on the floor, the material of her white gown puffing out around her. They were careful not to tread on the dress as they followed suit and sat on either side of her.

“Hold on, don’t get too comfortable,” Amy said, waving her hands at the both of them to make space. She then flopped back onto the floor, not caring that she was lying on most of the skirt of her dress. “Okay, now get comfortable.”

“Yes m’am,” the Doctor replied with a grin, scooting closer and lying back. Rory did the same, situating himself so that they formed a crooked sort of triangle.

“So, what’re we looking at?” Rory asked, trying to make himself more comfortable on the hard floor.

“Well, Rory, that would be space,” the Doctor said very plainly.

Amy giggled and tried to punch the Doctor in the side, but her arm was at too awkward an angle. She settled for grabbing the Doctor’s hand and drawing it to her chest, then reached for Rory’s with her other hand. Almost automatically, Rory and the Doctor simultaneously extended their free hands for each other to complete the circle and ended up high-fiving. Both of them frowning, they nearly did it again before Rory managed to entwine his hand with the Doctor’s properly. Amy’s laughter got louder as this struggle went on.

“We did this once before, didn’t we? Me and my boys, stargazing while holding hands…”

Rory lifted his head to stare at Amy. “What? Did this happen while I was unconscious or something?”

While Amy looked back at Rory in confusion, the Doctor kept his gaze pointedly on the stars. “That was van Gogh, Amy.”

“Oh. Right.” Amy’s voice was quiet, tone tinged with understanding. She didn’t want to remember that there was a time when Rory Williams didn’t exist. The Doctor felt Rory’s hand clench ever so slightly, and he tried to return with what he assumed was a comforting squeeze.

“But you’re married now! So you can spend all the time you want holding hands and staring at space!” he hurried on to add, lifting his arms and touching Amy and Rory’s knuckles to each other in the air in the facsimile of a kiss, then letting their intertwined hands fall to his chest. “So, questions, I know you have questions. Especially you, Amelia Pond, you always have questions.”

“It’s Amelia Williams now - ” Rory started as Amy spoke over him.

“Yeah, what’s that big rainbow thing?”

The Doctor grinned, gazing back up at the sky to the ‘thing’ in question. “That, Amelia Pond, would be two stars going supernova right next to each other.”

“Okay, now I know you’re just doing that to upset me.”

“I don’t know if you should be telling Amy that being a Pond upsets you.”

Rory looked at Amy in disbelief. “Is it just me, or is he being meaner than normal?”

“He’s just jealous,” Amy mused, bringing Rory’s hand to her lips and pressing little kisses to each finger.

“I am not jealous! What is there to even be jealous of?”

“That we’re married and you’re not.”

The Doctor snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. Do I look like the marrying type?”

“Mm, now that I think about it, you do have an ‘old grumpy bachelor’ air about you.”


Amy smirked. “That jacket, bowtie, and suspenders?”

The Doctor mouthed “what?” at Rory in the hopes that Rory would explain Amy’s apparent jumping off the deep end. Rory just forced (what he hoped was) a somewhat sympathetic expression onto his face.

“Please, it just screams ‘awkward university professor,’” Amy giggled.

Rory didn’t seem as convinced. “He’s a bit young to be a professor.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “I was just talking about his clothing, not the whole package.”

“Hey! If we’re done slandering my outfit - ” the Doctor protested, but when Amy was determined to talk over him, she usually succeeded.

“Though the white tie look is very fetching on you, Doctor,” she added. “Isn’t it, Rory?”

“I don’t know if I’d use ‘fetching’ exactly - ”


“Very fetching, yes.”

The Doctor could feel the flush creeping across his face and was glad that they were all staring upwards at the moment. He was pretty sure Amy would tease him over the fact that his ears turned red when he blushed. (Which wasn’t fair, because Rory had the exact same problem, and she never teased him about it. Mostly. He wasn’t sure about Amy, however. It might actually be physically impossible for her to blush, he’d decided.)

“There’s not a lot of stargazing going on for being in an observatory,” he said pointedly. “Look, that blue pinprick to the left is one of the planets that humans’ll convert into a new Earth.”

“I’m sorry, are we distracting you?” Amy smiled coyly, and the Doctor mentally bookmarked that sentence as the most inappropriate tone he’d ever heard used to say “are we distracting you.” And he’d heard “are we distracting you” in several inappropriate tones before.

“I can send you to your room, you know,” he muttered half-heartedly, because they all knew that was an empty threat.

“Only if you come with.”

“A-Amy!” The Doctor turned helplessly towards Rory. “Why aren’t you saying anything!?”

Rory shrugged lopsidedly, shoulder making a muted “thud” against the metal platform. “I don’t even know what to say to all this. I’m still in kind of a daze from getting married.”

“Something like ‘Amy, love, please stop flirting with the Doctor’ is perfectly acceptable.”

“I’ll gladly relinquish the reins if you’d like a go at him, Rory,” Amy proposed, squeezing Rory’s hand.

“No, I think you’re handling it well enough for the both of us,” Rory replied, shaking his head slightly.

“Thank you,” the Doctor told him appreciatively, then frowned. “Wait. That didn’t help me.”

Amy’s grin widened. “Tough, spaceman.”

Pouting, the Doctor retorted, “Has anyone ever told you that you look like a shark when you do that?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you look like a giraffe when you run?”

“I do not - what?”

“Has anyone noticed how that super-supernova looks kind of like a rabbit?” Rory interrupted.

The Doctor and Amy both stopped arguing and gazed upwards.

“Yeah, it…kind of does,” Amy admitted, albeit tentatively. The Doctor, however, looked perplexed.

“Wait, you’re at the wrong angle, look at it from here.” Rory tried to sit up, but Amy had already let go of the Doctor’s hand so she could roll over and curl into Rory’s side so that they were laying adjacent to each other.

“Oh, you’re right, that’s much better. Doctor, come over here.” The Doctor grinned and rolled over to Rory’s other side the same way Amy had. She grinned back at him over Rory’s head. “Look, there’s its head, the greenish part.” The three of them contemplated the rabbit in silence, their clasped hands now caught between their bodies. All of their dress clothes would be exceedingly wrinkled when they got up, Rory mused.

Amy was the first to look away, nestling her chin in Rory’s shoulder and pressing a kiss to his neck. “As much as I hate to cut the stargazing short, there is something we still need to do,” she murmured into Rory’s skin.

“Yeah?” Rory asked absentmindedly, then, “Oh! Yeah. Yes.”

Amy finally sat up, offering her other hand to the Doctor and tugging both of them into a sitting position. The Doctor’s hair was sticking up very unflatteringly in the back, but he didn’t seem to notice it.

“Right, you two go, uh, have that power nap,” he said uncomfortably, licking his suddenly too dry lips and trying to pull his hands away from the couple, but neither of them let go. “More space adventures tomorrow!”

“You’d be more than welcome to join us, Doctor,” Amy said sweetly, and while Rory’s face had become incredibly pink, he didn’t appear to protest.

“No, no, you’re the newlyweds, not me!” The Doctor declined as graciously as he could while sounding a little choked. “I wouldn’t want to, ah, intrude.”

“Suit yourself.” Amy shrugged, letting go of the Doctor’s hand and standing up with Rory.

The Doctor stared up at her from down on the floor. “That’s it?”

“Did you want more?”

“No, but - ”

“Speaking of butts, did I get anything on mine?” Amy spun around, allowing them to inspect the back of her dress. Rory and the Doctor instantly zeroed in on her butt, and the Doctor turned a shade of pink to rival Rory. “No? Excellent.”

“The TARDIS isn’t that dirty,” the Doctor mumbled defensively, and Amy patted him consolingly on the head.

“With the messes you make?” Rory raised an eyebrow. “It could be.”

Amy laughed, pleased, and started down the walkway to the door. “Come get us if anything exciting happens,” she called over her shoulder.

The Doctor waved after them. “Will do!”

“Oh, and Doctor,” Amy added, pausing in the doorway, arm already wrapped suggestively around Rory’s waist, “don’t think you’re getting off that easily. I’m perfectly prepared to continue this conversation at a later date.”

And the two of them disappeared down the hall before the Doctor could respond. He exhaled deeply and flopped back down on the observatory floor, raising his hands to stare at them. They were still warm from being held so long, and the feeling was almost as good as the one he got from traveling through the stars.

(ship) slash, (character) rory williams, (ship) het, (length) 1000+, (fandom) doctor who, (ship) poly, ! fanfiction, (character) amelia pond, (character) the eleventh doctor, (rating) pg, (challenge) springkink

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