layout #03: fresh by ainodeluca

Aug 11, 2007 17:12

S2: Flexible Squares
Designed for Free account, Mozilla Firefox 1024x768
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Download the CSS

So here are the settings how the layout works best, is designed for.
Of course you can test different settings, if you like, but I recommend these.

- Go to Customize Journal
» Basics » Style System » Select S2 - For users who don't know HTML or CSS, or make only minor alterations.

Save Changes.

- Go to Look and Feel
» Layout & Language » Select Flexible Squares

Save Changes.

- Go to Custom Options

Section: Text
» Leave texares Text for 'Current Music', Text for 'Current Mood' and Text for 'Current Location' empty.
(Of course you can edit the texts of other links as well as you like.)

Save Changes.

Section: Sidebar
» Show the sidebar? Yes.
» Show the default user picture on the sidebar? No.
» Show the blurb/free text in the sidebar? Yes.
» Title of the blurb sidebar box ** Leave this empty! **
» Text to be added to the sidebar Feel free to write here whatever you want, it will show under the header links
» Title of the links sidebar box ** Leave this empty! **
» Show tags in the sidebar? No.
» Show the page summary in the sidebar? No.
» Show the calendar in the sidebar? No.

Save Changes.

Section: Custom Options
» Custom CSS:

» Use layout's stylesheet(s): No.
» Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet: No.
» Use external stylesheets No.

» Custom stylesheet: [copy & paste the code to the input area]

Save Changes.

And you're done. :)


Here are some good places for

- Background patters:

77words: patterns
Tokyo (layout's current bg is from here)

- Tiny lj icons:

Bullet Madness
Free Tiny Small Mini Icons & Bullets
Mini Icons

- Feel free to customize.
- Do not claim it as your own.
- No hotlinking.
- Credit is gold. ♥ (Layout style sheet by ainodeluca & background pattern by tokyo)
- Enjoy!

type: layout, by: ainodeluca

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