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Comments 5

ankareeda December 26 2018, 13:33:05 UTC
This is awesome, like every year. I love your layout style. Amazing work. ✨


sometimesartist December 27 2018, 21:25:46 UTC
Thank youuuuu.


gublers December 27 2018, 18:26:26 UTC
This is freaking amazing! WHAT! I might have to steal this idea next year if you don't mind. WOW. I love it! How come I didn't know you've been doing that for years?? Where have I been??


sometimesartist December 27 2018, 21:25:30 UTC
Yes, please do! It started out as a challenge for a long deceased picspam community. I've been using this exact coding for almost the entire decade once I got out of my awkward phase. Also usually I post this much earlier in December. I've never been this late.


gublers January 17 2019, 18:19:48 UTC
Sweet! I'm super excited to start working on mine :p I'm going to have to come up with a code and everything! It's taking me back to the early LJ days ♥


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