Jul 06, 2009 23:26

Drop something here, and I'll reply with a drabble. Around 1000 - 3000 words per drabble. It can be anything, and any rating. It can by any fandom, not just Jrock. If you're not sure if I've heard of it, ask and I'll tell you if I have.

  • Tell me the pairing and what you want (if it's a sex scene, tell me your kinks)
  • You can include a promt if ( Read more... )

drabble, request

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Comments 173

truexsweet July 6 2009, 22:40:12 UTC

I'll ask for two. >:3

1:ReitaxRuki (You should know my kinks. xDD Smut~ Nomnom. Give me some rough backseat sex. O: I'm not really sure on a prompt. )

2:UruhaxAoi (Kinky kinky. I want some club scene going on. Maybe some hot bathroom stall sex? Cause I'm a perv. >:3 )


Here you go. <3


nokutetsu July 6 2009, 23:18:13 UTC
[No.1. Holyshit- I got a little carried away xD it's well over 1000 words]

They stumbled into the backseat of Reita’s car clumsily, Ruki’s back connecting uncomfortably with the door opposite. But the brunette didn’t take any notice; it didn’t matter, not when Reita was fucking him against the leather seating, making his screams turn ragged and hoarse, making him so fucking horny until even the sound of his own breathless begging turned him on.

How many times…do we have to do this?

He whimpered when the blonde took his mouth in an adultrated kiss, fingers tangling in his damp hair. It was hot and dirty, tongues filling mouths and sluttish moans choked, until Ruki’s throat ached from lack of oxygen. Reita watches through glazed eyes, the way Ruki tosses his head back, those famous lips demanding nothing but raw sex from him.

“Ahhh! Reita! F-fuck, ReitaThe bassist growled menacingly and fucked him deeper, roughly yanking the other’s thighs over his shoulders. He drove in deeper, filling him up and forcing his whole cock inside him, ( ... )


nokutetsu July 6 2009, 23:47:48 UTC
[Okay. This is also much longer than it should be. That’s good right? XD ( ... )


truexsweet July 7 2009, 18:32:53 UTC
I thought you should know.
I fucking love you, and I love both of these. XD
Seriously, they are more epicsauce than Thunderfuck me Thursday! O:

Thanks for doing them for me. <3
They are epically amazing~


rukixtora July 6 2009, 23:09:10 UTC
|: Do I need to request again?
|:! Because I already did before.


nokutetsu July 6 2009, 23:11:14 UTC
Well, your request was....Aoi Uruha rape, and a pic of some flowers right?

I could do it for you no problem if it's a drabble xD I did write it, but only got to around 700 words and failed D:


rukixtora July 6 2009, 23:13:42 UTC
XD! Yes, that was my request.

|: And I can take a drabble for that. I don't want your head to explode or anything. x.x


nokutetsu July 7 2009, 00:07:18 UTC
[I don't think it was Aoi/ Hollyhock flowers in the pic you sent, but I made them Aois, because it's a subtle PLOT DEVICE O:]

The flowers were beautiful, even when the world was falling down around them.

It was never supposed to end up this way-…no. It was always meant to end up this way, because Yuu was Aoi, and Kouyou was Uruha. And in a realistic world they could never be together, and even so, Uruha still chased after that dream, that if they waited, the time would come when they could be happy.

But Aoi is a selfish man, and he takes what he doesn’t have the right to take.

He ruined it. He ruined them with this simple act, an act that should have meant so much. Their first time- and yet, here Uruha was, tears running down his cheeks, trying to drift off to a better place by focusing on those beautiful flowers in the distance ( ... )


cateris July 7 2009, 00:44:29 UTC
1. Kai/Uruha pairing (I really don't care who "tops"). Kinks: blowjob. All artistic inspiration / meanings and things aside the sex scene I leave it to you.

2. Ruki/Aoi pairing (again, I don't care who "tops"). Kinks: handjob. And again, because I'm asking both to KU pairing and RA simple things, I want you to surprise me with interesting motives about HOW did it come to the specific sex scene blablabla or anything like that in between the scenes :D You know the drill ;)


nokutetsu July 7 2009, 01:06:58 UTC
[Art? Hmmmmm…..I’ll try ;D. This didn’t come out sexy at all D: if you don’t like it, I’ll do it again more sexy instead.]

There’s something eerily beautiful about the way Uruha’s mouth slides down his cock, taking the slick organ into his mouth and closing his eyes in pure bliss, eyelashes casting long, dark shadows down his cheeks. And it’s no longer about the sex, because just having this much is enough to make Kai feel complete, and even without the penetration, he isn’t missing a thing. As hard as it is to keep his eyes open- to keep his eyes from rolling back in pure ecstasy, he keeps watching, eyes staying as focused as possible just to watch the georgous beauty before him ( ... )


cateris July 7 2009, 01:33:03 UTC
Is perfect as it is :). It's enough to make me write again these two. I kinda missed them. I'll also borrow the idea from you because I like it :). The traditional Japanese garden and all that. I hope it's ok (I will credit, of course ;))


nokutetsu July 7 2009, 01:39:18 UTC
Really? xD I wasn't too sure about it when I wrote it. But you can use the idea if you want, I'm glad I could inspire you ;P


yhue July 7 2009, 07:21:57 UTC

I want a submissive seme!Aoi [if you get what I mean? :3] and a dirty talking Ruki, zomgzomgzomg. And for them to have sex on a kitchen table or something.

Btw I have a question: Can I only ask for three drabbles all at once, or can I only ask for three drabbles ever? DDD:


nokutetsu July 7 2009, 12:39:48 UTC
You can ask for 3 drabbles at a time >:3 actually, I'm thinking of putting the number up to 5 xD

I'll get to work on your request right away >:3!

And you personally? You can ask for all the drabbles you want~ xD they don't take me long to write up.


yhue July 7 2009, 20:49:05 UTC
Wow, five? You might not get your chapter fics done quickly o3o

And who0o0o! I feel special. This is great. lDD -basks-


kawasakininja July 7 2009, 13:38:55 UTC
Table sekcs, hi hi hi. Wait till george, hears about it. I must stalk this entry now! Sorry, for all the spam, nokutetsu. More coming I am sure.


xxshamisen July 7 2009, 15:05:55 UTC

1. Aoi/Uruha. BDSM, chains. Feisty Uruha.
2. Aoi/Ruki. Dirty talking and sweating Aoi.
3. I know you said pairing, but could you perhaps write a Ruki/Aoi/Uruha? Prompt would 'fight for dominance.' Of course if you do threesomes too, but if not, then it's okay. ^^


nokutetsu July 7 2009, 15:29:54 UTC
I'll do all those for you ;P and I'll do threesomes too. I'll edit the original entry and say what I'll do, actually, for future reference xD

It might be tomorrow that I get them done though, because I'm really ill today and can't concentrate D:


xxshamisen July 7 2009, 15:31:12 UTC
No worries, I shall wait patiently. ♥
Get well soon~ :3


nokutetsu July 7 2009, 17:36:21 UTC
[Holy shit. This is the longest on yet xD over 2000 words! O: LEGIT. I don‘t know why, but I find myself liking the last sentence ( ... )


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