Title: Here All The Bombs Fade Away
Summary: Bringing Jason back into the clan.
Fandom: DCU, current-ish Bat-clan
Word count: 1500
Rating: PG
AN: Written for
harborshore’s drabble prompt Jason, Tim, and Steph on a mission. Any mission. Also, there should be Babs corralling them.. Set in current DCU canon, ignoring Jason’s appearance in Batman & Robin.
here all the bombs fade away )
Comments 28
Everything about this is fucking brilliant. Jason the way Jason is meant to be, his gradual realization that Steph is seriously better than he expected, Steph knocking him on his ass because she's, ahem, resourceful, Tim calling Steph a jerk, Steph sneaking up on Jason, Jason having a sense of humor (and Dick, too), Jason being, oh man, the end with Jason and his feelings about Bruce being alive--YOU. WRITE ME THE BATS FOREVERRRRRR.
I am so glad you loved this! You know I have a huge THING for the Bats being a family, screwed up as they are, and current canon is creeping SO CLOSE to that with the notable exception of Jason (and Cass, but that's another rant) and I just HAD to get them to play together. I JUST WANT THEM TO BE LIKE THIS.
They make such a great screwed-up crazy family, I can't even. This is so so so perfect, just what I wanted. They SHOULD be like this. (And I'm working on fixing the Cass thing for my ladiesbigbang.)
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