Title: Typical Girls
Summary: When Gerard realizes that he’ll never get with Lyn-Z after his friends let him know she’s into girls, there’s only one possible course of action: dress in drag and join her punk rock Dolly Parton cover band in hopes of wooing her. High school AU.
Pairings: Gerard/Lyn-Z, Mikey/Alicia/Pete, Chantal/Jimmy (ensemble cast)
Word count: 67,000
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: crossdressing
AN: Huge thanks to
thesamefire (without you this story wouldn't be half as good as it is) and
perspexsea (♥), and
fleurdeliser and
enhendi and everyone else who listened to me whine and complain about how this story was never going to end/whatever, and held my hand and were completely amazing. <333 Without you all, this story would be a wreck. Title comes from
”Typical Girls” by The Slits, to replace this story’s working title of Fic of Heart and Soul, because this is everything I love.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight