1. *grins at the Cabal* Ladies, you all EARNED your Slytherin badges this April Fools'. As I kept telling Pud - y'all are EVIL and I madly adore you for it. :D
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Katie glared up at the Slytherin troll who was hogging her practice time. “C’mon, Flint!” she yelled, frustrated. “Other people want to practice too!”
He swooped down low and snarled his lip up to reveal - ugh - his teeth. “Won’t make you better.”
“Oh, like you stand a chance against me,” she replied. Flint didn’t budge an inch. She sighed, and stalked away from the field. She’d just practice in the morning.
She considered not turning.
“Bell!” Flint jogged up to her. “The field’s yours.”
She only imagined he turned red before saying gruffly, “I don’t *need* the practice.”
Challenging - me? LOL sorry, I couldn't resist! Thank you so much for this... sorry I haven't got back to you earlier. I haven't been on LJ or checked my email for ages and didn't realize that you had posted this.
I know that this sounds really bizarre, but this totally weird couple just happens to be my fav paring after D/G for now.
Katie glared up at the Slytherin troll who was hogging her practice time. “C’mon, Flint!” she yelled, frustrated. “Other people want to practice too!”
He swooped down low and snarled his lip up to reveal - ugh - his teeth. “Won’t make you better.”
“Oh, like you stand a chance against me,” she replied. Flint didn’t budge an inch. She sighed, and stalked away from the field. She’d just practice in the morning.
She considered not turning.
“Bell!” Flint jogged up to her. “The field’s yours.”
She only imagined he turned red before saying gruffly, “I don’t *need* the practice.”
I know that this sounds really bizarre, but this totally weird couple just happens to be my fav paring after D/G for now.
We all get hankerings for odd things, I totally understand. <3
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