Fic: Shreds of Shadowy Laughter (Babs, Steph/Cass)

Mar 10, 2007 21:09

Title: Shreds of Shadowy Laughter
Summary: She doesn’t intend to keep recording, to keep the cameras trained on Batgirl and Robin once she realizes what was going to happen, but...
Characters: Barbara Gordon, Steph/Cass
Rating: R
Word count: 609
AN: Katarik wrote ”All naked, fair to fair” for me. This is Babs’ pov. Title from Beauty and Beauty.

She doesn’t intend to keep recording, to keep the cameras trained on Batgirl and Robin once she realizes what was going to happen, but...

Barbara remembers the way her own blood felt pumping through her body, too hot and too fast and too sweet to want to stop.

Stephanie’s - Robin’s - gasp echoes loud through the Clocktower.

It was different, then, with her Robin’s hair dark against the sky and Babs’ own hair and boots and symbol brighter than anything of Cass’, but it’s still distressingly - reassuringly - familiar.

Stephanie laughs brightly as she presses herself into Cass’s hand. Her blood-splattered gauntlets clutch at her sides, at Cass, as her head arches back. Earlier Barbara had watched her take a rapist down with a kick she learned from Tim who learned it from Dick who had taught Barbara how to do the same exact kick back when she wore a mask.

And now her hips are undulating against a Bat-issue gauntlet, just as fast and just as recklessly as Barbara remembered herself from long ago rooftops. She wants, desperately, to be able to clench her thighs and curl her toes and do more than bite back unbidden sounds as she watches them.

She does not let her hand stray close to her body, no matter which nerves are tingling like she’s nineteen and indestructible and beautiful.

She can see the blinking notification that this film is also being accessed in the cave.

Her first reaction to seeing that suit and that grin together again had been to wonder what the hell he was thinking. Now she thinks she might know, and she can’t disapprove, no more than she can look away from the screens and the clenched black gauntlet on one shoulder and those teeth sunk into Robin-red lips.

She turns the volume to where every pant and sigh and muffled groan sounds like it’s in her ear, like she’s there, part of Batgirl and Robin for one moment more, instead of outside, alone and watching and remembering and aching.

Stephanie’s expression is fiercer than anything Babs ever saw on Dick’s face, a snarl that makes Babs just as nervous as it reassures her that she’s right for this life. Cass leans into her, presses a masked kiss against an armored breast, as Stephanie shudders and gasps and comes.

Babs can recognize the silly grin on her face just before she licks at Batgirl’s gauntlet, just like she recognizes the matching grin on Cass’s face, shining clear through her mask.

Babs can’t stop herself from touching the screen, her hand over Batgirl’s as she traces Stephanie’s blossoming smile. She wonders if it’s as rose petal soft as it looks, if it somehow changes texture when she’s not snarling or grinning that sharp, violent way.

Babs squeaks when Batman’s terse voice crackles through speakers turned up too loud to capture secret sounds. She doesn’t know how he can turn away from the painful, cheerful sweetness of the girls, of Stephanie laughingly planting a kiss on Batgirl’s nose, on the tip of a pointed ear, over her covered mouth.

She cuts off the footage to the cave. (Robin knows that Oracle’s eyes are everywhere, Batgirl knows, and Barbara feels no shame. Can’t feel shame when jealousy is burning along every tingling nerve ending.)

Larger than life on the screen before her, Stephanie squirms, straightening her skirt as she smirks and seems to look straight at the camera (Babs’ is too far away to be seen, she’s positive) and radios in. “Hey, O, any more action on the mean streets? We’ve got a second wind.”

Barbara is thankful for her mechanized voice as she answers.

fic, dc: cassandra cain, dc: barbara gordon, dc: steph/cass, dc: stephanie brown

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